Monday, February 9, 2009

Obama gives "pep talk" to America and weighs in on A-Rod

First off, thanks to the Washington Post. Great question, everyone wants to know what President Barack Obama thinks about Alex Rodriguez's admitting to taking steroids. Keep pitching those under-hand throws, Washington Post.

Also, thanks to Barack Obama for making his first news conference a comedy hour. He admitted by winning the election, he can do whatever he wants. Then, he said these quotes:

"Nurses can't read the prescriptions that the doctors write out."

"America has the most inefficient healthcare system."

"We still use papers in hospitals." (He wants us to save documents with computers only?!)

"There is a school in South Carolina that was built in the 1850's and it's next to the railroad tracks. Whenever a train goes by, the building shakes and the teachers have to stop teaching."

My take: This stimulus bill will be a complete failure and Obama knows it. But hey, let's blame Bush anyway, even if Obama made it worse. Something has to be done, but not this. This will put us into a depression. The New Deal did not help in the 1930's, it made the depression worse. It took World War II and Adolf Hitler to end the Great Depression.

Now to the video:

Fox News: Obama: 'Only Government' can break cycle of job loss, economic downturn
Fox News: Obama's opening remarks

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