Now, we have President Barack Obama who loves czars. He is appointing czars for everything. These people will be in control of various programs. And, when I say control, I mean control.
In the Stimulus Package, there is an amendment to have a healthcare czar. This means that this person will be in control of your healthcare. He or she gives you permission if you can have a certain surgery, take certain pills, and this is only the beginning. Essentially, in the Stimulus Package is socialized healthcare. You know, the kind of healthcare that the Canadians love. I'm kidding of course, because they hate it.
Obama says that he won the election. That is true. He also says that by winning he can do what he wants, because he won. He says that the American people want socialized healthcare. He won and he can do as he pleases. By America voting him in, the American people are saying that they want Nancy Pelosi to make any wacked-out bill that Obama wants.
Essentially, Obama is saying, "I won, so it's my way or the highway." He thinks he is king. He believes that the "New Deal" got us out of the Great Depression. He actually believes that. He doesn't realize that it made it worse. Does he know history? At least watch Ferris Bueller's Day Off once in a while to get a briefest of all history lessons of the Great Depression. In the movie it talks about the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act, where the United States increased the tariff, or tax, on foreign goods to help out domestic good. This didn't work because foreign countries did the same and the U.S. and other countries sunk further into the Great Depression. Now, what Obama wants to do is pass a "stimulus" and later increase taxes to get back that revenue. This is much like this tariff act in that a tax is used to increase government revenue. Instead of taxing foreign countries, he is taxing the people within the country. This all happened prior to the "New Deal." The "New Deal" was government spending.
Obama wants it both ways, he wants the new "New Deal" and an increase in taxes.
I'm not saying that the "New Deal" was all bad, but it didn't help the nation's economy. It did set banking regulations with the FDIC and created numerous other "alphabet" programs. People lost millions of dollars with the failures of banks and with the FDIC today, that didn't happen. Well, for the most part, the FDIC does have limits on how much money is "safe."
And, again, Obama and his love of "czars." He has a climate czar, an energy czar, a drug czar, a cyber czar, an auto czar and who knows what other kind of czar. Each day he announces a need for a new czar to make sure the American people know what they are doing and they do it right.
In the words of Obama: "It is only government that can break the vicious cycle where lost jobs lead to people spending less money which leads to even more layoffs. This is not your ordinary run-of-the-mill recession. We are going through the worse economic crisis since the Great Depression."
Uplifting, eh? The man who brings hope and change is using scare tactics. And this "stimulus package" is nothing new as I have said. Franklin D. Roosevelt did this too, "The New Deal."
What will Obama say next: This is the worst economic crisis since the Civil War? Since the War of 1812? Since the Revolutionary War? Or better yet, since the fall of the Roman Empire? I would say Spanish Empire, but that fell during or after (depending on many sources) the Spanish-American War.
Is this America anymore? A satirical cartoon I found on the internet may say it best:

(click to see larger)
I don't mean to use so many Fox News videos, but those are what are easiest to find on YouTube. By the way, these videos are here with the courtesy of YouTube, Fox News, NewsCorp and Russia Today.
Glenn Beck Program on Fox News Channel
Russia Today (Yes, the Russians love Obama and they love government control)
Bueller? Bueller?
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