Thursday, February 19, 2009

My opinion on events

I am not happy seeing the direction the United States is heading. Day by day, we are reminded at how the Dow Jones Industrial Average has dropped. It seems like Wall Street continues to fall and there is no end in sight. Then we have this so called stimulus package which won't do anything to stimulate the American economy.

Each day seems to be dimmer and dimmer. We are reminded of crisis after crisis. If Obama says the word "crisis" one more time I am going to explode. We have NBC News which leads off every newscast with a new crisis. We have the Weather Channel with the trumped up "climate crisis." It's weather, Weather Channel, get over it! It is cold in the winter and warm in the summer. This is weather. Just because it snows in winter, it's not because of global warming. Have you guys learned anything in your meteorology classes, or are you taking the General Electric company line so you can sell your "green" products?

Then we have Washington. These guys are idiots. We have Barney Frank, we have Chris Dodd, we have Robert Byrd, we have Ted Kennedy and we can't forget about Joe Biden. You know what, back in 1977, not during the last eight years as Obama always says, a little known act was passed, it was the Community Reinvestment Act. This act created sub-prime loans. The Democrats said that everyone deserves a house, even if they don't have enough money to pay for their mortgage. Great idea, it is the American dream after all. Jimmy Carter signed the bill and Robert Byrd, Ted Kennedy and Joe Biden were there to vote for it. This bill forced banks to give people loans that they could not afford. Yes, it was the government that did this. It is not the banks' fault.

Yes, Carter signed it, then it went on year by year. The housing market stayed steady until Bill Clinton became president. Then the Democrats said lets look back into the Community Reinvestment Act and make it even easier to get a house, because we all need a house. In 1992, this began the downfall of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. These two institutions, owned by the government, were forced to lend people money for affordable housing.

And we all know what happened with these mortgages. The bubble burst in 2003. People were getting foreclosure notices and nice neighborhoods seemed to become vacant lots.

Then we hear about General Motors, Chrysler LLC and Ford Motor Company. The "Big Three" began to bleed money. GM and Chrysler get "bridge loans" which is actually a bail out. GM and Chrysler are back again asking for more money. GM and Chrysler are failing. Meanwhile Ford asked for no federal money, yet, they are in the same sinking boat.

People are not buying cars, these companies will continue to build more cars for who? Really, these cars will be just sitting on lots as these car companies continue to bleed. Chrysler wants another $4 billion and GM wants another $16 billion. Just think about it, GM will be back out with its hands asking for more money in August, then in December and who knows when. Same with Chrysler. And then there is Ford. What is Ford going to do? Just fail? Or, do they have a way out?

We have people in this country who seem to be entitled to their fine style of living and they can't pay for it. We have Obama now saying that if you can't pay your mortgage that he'll find a way to lower the rates so everyone can stay in their homes. This is for, of course, the people who are living in homes that they cannot afford. For the people who are just barely paying their mortgage, nothing is done. Obama says "Heck with you."

What happened to the America that wanted to be cutting edge? Where did that go? What happened to the American ingenuity? You know, the 1940s through the late 1960s. This was a time of American progress. Now it's all gone. America has become lazy and no other country is willing to take the torch.

America is entitled to be the world leader even if it doesn't deserve it.

At this rate of progress, with the stimulus bill and bailing out people who can't pay for their homes and giving money to GM and Chrysler and we have the government practically owning the banks, we'll have a hyperinflation soon. We will be in a depression by January. All Obama and Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Chris Dodd and Barney Frank do is make it worse. Yet, I believe that the Democrats will gain seats in the House and Senate in two years because they'll just blame this all on George W. Bush.

This is what could happen: either automakers fail or the government fails. If the automakers fail, there will be a deep depression and most likely a revolution. If the government fails, there will be a revolution. Either way, there is not enough money to keep the government and all these companies afloat. The US dollar will soon be completely worthless.

Where is the investigation into the House and Senate? And specifically, the banking committees and all other committees that deal with the economy.

Soon, at this rate, we will be a part of the "collective." Everyone will be equal, no rich, no middle class; all will be poor.

We'll have no GM, no Chrysler, no Ford. And this is just the United States. Look at Canada. Europe is in just as bad of shape.

I really hope we get socialized healthcare to make this depression come just a bit quicker than without free healthcare. High taxes, hyper inflation, depression, revolution. This is the future of America.

Might as well just throw away that old crusty paper that the Democrats have interpreted out of existance. This is, or was, the Constitution. It's done. Bye bye America. Hello new Russia!

Oh, I almost forgot, Obama has never said a good thing about the United States. How can an American president love China and dislike America? This is the "change we can believe in."

The United States is regressing. What's new? Nothing. Where's our version of Edison, Ford, Hershey, Franklin? Please step up.

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