Friday, April 17, 2009


I was just listening to the CBS News Radio Round-up and it said that President Barack Obama is going to take global warming seriously. The radio report blamed carbon dioxide as a major reason of global warming. So, according to these global warming scientists nut jobs it is our fault. After all, humans breathe. And humans are not the only problem. If you have a cat or dog at your home, your property is a global warming hot spot.

Al Gore has brought this on.

In a story I read from the Deseret News said carbon dioxide is causing the temperature to increase, especially in Alaska and the Mountain West. I say bears, birds and other wild animals are to blame, not just humans. How many humans are in Alaska, exactly?

Also in this article it said reduced carbon dioxide would significantly lessen predicted future droughts on the Pacific Coast and flooding in the Northeast. Hmmmm, you know, I might enjoy a drought in these areas. These two regions may deserve it. They are home to the global warming nuts, nutty politicians, gay marriage activists and they don't believe in God.

The article then says that much of Europe, Russia, China and Australia would see the biggest temperature benefits if there was reduced carbon emissions. You know, who really cares. It said that there would be more rain in the Mediterranean, Caribbean and North Africa. Come on, how would they know this? They are just making stuff up now.

Global warming nut jobs hate oil too. They hate the traditional light bulb.

If people would actually look at weather and climatology seriously, they would see that this is normal. Yet, the liberal wackos only see it their way.

Deseret News: Simulation finds emission cuts would lessen global warming
AP: EPA takes first step toward climate change regs

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