Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Gibbs: 'Contact the White House' about plane

Obama says "It was a mistake and it will never happen again." This man knew all about it. The "Buck Stops Here."

Press Secretary Robert Gibbs is a glorified idiot. He is supposed to be a professional spin doctor. I don't buy him not knowing where Air Force One is. He travels on Air Force One! Everyone important at the White House knew about this photo-op in New York. They used to say, "The Buck Stops Here." President Obama better realize that his White House is not as transparent as he says it is.

Imagine if this happened during the George W. Bush administration. Does nothing stick to Obama? The Obama administration is heartless.

Bloomberg: Obama Orders Review of New York flight as cost at $328,835
Wall Street Journal: Obama Orders Probe of Flyover

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