Wednesday, April 29, 2009
DAY 100: Media underhands softball questions to Obama
President Barack Obama circled the questions, and they weren't that difficult. He had a prepared list on who he was going to allow to ask those questions too. He only allowed the liberal media to speak, and then lastly, The Wall Street Journal.
Apparently, BET is more newsy than Fox News Channel. Fox's Major Garret sat in the front row, right in front of Obama and he just looked right over him. Apparently, tonight was easy questions night.
BET is owned by CBS, and CBS News was allowed to ask a question. So they get two chances?
The question of the night was from the New York Times, just watch and listen, and laugh.
I see why Fox network didn't air this. It was a joke. It wasn't a press conference, it was a speech. Nothing was answered, he just ran around the questions and smiled and said, uh, uh, uh, hmmm, and added some good phrases along the way.
Nothing was asked about why that plane flew over New York City. Little was said about the budget passed by Congress today. Little was said about Chrysler and General Motors. All he did was circle around.
Dems flaunt Specter
Sen. Arlen Specter (D-Penn.) left the Republican Party for political reasons. He would have lost in the Republican Primary. This man was a moderate to liberal Republican. Next up will be the two liberal senator sisters from Maine.
Why, exactly, is Specter talking in the White House anyway? This is the Democratic Party trying to play games and say "we are better than you."
Good ridence. The Democrats deserve Specter. This man only cares about himself, he can careless about his state.
DAY 100: Obama attacks Fox News, tea parties
Look at those disciples. They are falling for Obama's BS. It is all Bush's fault. We need socialized healthcare! This guy is something else.
I bet these people in the audience do not watch Fox News Channel. I bet these people are Obama's socialist disciples.
Limbaugh was right about future of GM, Chrysler
Rush Limbaugh: See, I Told You So: Obama gives majority state at Chrysler
If you are a Rush 24/7 subscriber you can listen to the audio.
Rush Limbaugh: See, I Told You So: Obama gives majority state at Chrysler
If you are a Rush 24/7 subscriber you can listen to the audio.
New York Newspapers the day after flight 'mistake'
Click on pictures for a larger look. These newspaper images are courtesy of Newseum and the newspapers themselves. Read the headlines, pictures and articles. Look who finds this important and who doesn't.

IN THE NEWS (myself: I am ClearThinkerOne):
The StarPress: NYC flyover scares city, draws ire of president

IN THE NEWS (myself: I am ClearThinkerOne):
The StarPress: NYC flyover scares city, draws ire of president
Prime Time for Obama's 100th day tonight
President Barack Obama will talk tonight at 8 p.m. about his first 100 days in office. Fox will be the only major broadcast network to not air the event and will instead air "Lie to Me" and "American Idol."
Obama has a lot of explaining to do. Oh wait, that's his teleprompter.
This is not the first time Fox, or any other networks has chosen not to air a presidential speech. Fox declined to air a speech from President George W. Bush in November 2001. President Ronald Reagan was also not aired, and this time by all the broadcast networks in 1988. That story is below:
Networks airing Obama at 8 p.m.:
Broadcast- ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS
Cable- CNN, Fox News, Fox Business, MSNBC, BET, Bloomberg
Associated Press: Fox sticking with schedule instead of Obama
New York Newsday via DrudgeReport: Nets didn't carry Reagan
Obama has a lot of explaining to do. Oh wait, that's his teleprompter.
This is not the first time Fox, or any other networks has chosen not to air a presidential speech. Fox declined to air a speech from President George W. Bush in November 2001. President Ronald Reagan was also not aired, and this time by all the broadcast networks in 1988. That story is below:
February 3, 1988
President Ronald Reagan was cast in the role of a not-ready-for- primetime player yesterday, and the White House was not happy about it.
The three major networks declined to carry Reagan's Oval Office speech last night pushing his contra aid package, which the House is scheduled to vote on today. Cable News Network did carry the speech live.
ABC decided not to broadcast the speech "when it was determined that it would be a slight re-formation of the points he's made before, in his State of the Union address and other addresses," said ABC News spokeswoman Elise Adde. Spokesmen for NBC and CBS said that they have extensively covered the contra aid issue and didn't think the speech warranted coverage. Reagan's chief of staff, Howard H. Baker, said the networks' decision interferes with the "traditional right" of presidents to communicate with the American people.
Networks airing Obama at 8 p.m.:
Broadcast- ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS
Cable- CNN, Fox News, Fox Business, MSNBC, BET, Bloomberg
Associated Press: Fox sticking with schedule instead of Obama
New York Newsday via DrudgeReport: Nets didn't carry Reagan
U.S. Government, UAW to take control of GM and Chrysler; Treasury attacks Delphi
Today was a sad day in the American automobile industry. General Motors might as well officially change its name to Government Motors because it is the government who has the controlling stake in the company. For Chrysler, the proposed plan is that the United Auto Workers union would have the controlling stake of this company.
Here are the numbers, according to The Wall Street Journal:
General Motors
United States of America: 50 percent (or more)
United Auto Workers: 39 percent
Private Sector: 11 percent (or less)
Chrysler LLC
United Auto Workers: 55 percent
FIAT: 35 percent
Chrysler's secured lenders: 10 percent
GM will also eliminate or attempt to sell its Pontiac, Hummer, Saturn and Saab brands. It's official, Pontiac is dead, what will happen to the rest?
Chrysler will end its association with Daimler and become independent of Serberus. I wonder what will happen to CEO Robert Nardelli? The Chrysler deal may become a reality tomorrow (Wednesday) if its workers agree to the deal to save the company.
In other news, the U.S. Treasury blocked moves by General Motors to increase payments to its former parts subsidiary Delphi Corp., and to acquire the suppliers steering division, according to the Detroit Free Press. This rejection may have as well been the final nail in the coffin for Delphi. The plan was to add more than $150 million to Delphi from GM and was to keep Delphi operating through May.
There may be some good news for the bankrupt Delphi. If it does end operations, GM could just buy up the Delphi plants, but that has to have the approval of the government. So that may not happen either.
Thanks Team Obama! Change we can believe in! Death to the Automobile Industry! Death to those UAW voters who put you into office. You used them, and now you'll just blame Bush and "hope" to get re-elected.
I wonder how the government can run GM and how the UAW can run Chrysler? Is it possible for a union to be the boss and still be the union at the same time? What cars can be built with these controlling bodies? This could be a recipe for disaster.
The Wall Street Journal: Control of GM Would Create Conflicts for Government
The Wall Street Journal: UAW to Get 55 Percent Stake in Chrysler for Concessions
The Washington Post: Chrysler Creditors Agree to Deal With Treasury
Detroit Free Press: Treasury said no to GM-Delphi deals
The Washington Post: GM's New Road Map: Partial Nationalization
Here are the numbers, according to The Wall Street Journal:
General Motors
United States of America: 50 percent (or more)
United Auto Workers: 39 percent
Private Sector: 11 percent (or less)
Chrysler LLC
United Auto Workers: 55 percent
FIAT: 35 percent
Chrysler's secured lenders: 10 percent
GM will also eliminate or attempt to sell its Pontiac, Hummer, Saturn and Saab brands. It's official, Pontiac is dead, what will happen to the rest?
Chrysler will end its association with Daimler and become independent of Serberus. I wonder what will happen to CEO Robert Nardelli? The Chrysler deal may become a reality tomorrow (Wednesday) if its workers agree to the deal to save the company.
In other news, the U.S. Treasury blocked moves by General Motors to increase payments to its former parts subsidiary Delphi Corp., and to acquire the suppliers steering division, according to the Detroit Free Press. This rejection may have as well been the final nail in the coffin for Delphi. The plan was to add more than $150 million to Delphi from GM and was to keep Delphi operating through May.
There may be some good news for the bankrupt Delphi. If it does end operations, GM could just buy up the Delphi plants, but that has to have the approval of the government. So that may not happen either.
Thanks Team Obama! Change we can believe in! Death to the Automobile Industry! Death to those UAW voters who put you into office. You used them, and now you'll just blame Bush and "hope" to get re-elected.
I wonder how the government can run GM and how the UAW can run Chrysler? Is it possible for a union to be the boss and still be the union at the same time? What cars can be built with these controlling bodies? This could be a recipe for disaster.
The Wall Street Journal: Control of GM Would Create Conflicts for Government
The Wall Street Journal: UAW to Get 55 Percent Stake in Chrysler for Concessions
The Washington Post: Chrysler Creditors Agree to Deal With Treasury
Detroit Free Press: Treasury said no to GM-Delphi deals
The Washington Post: GM's New Road Map: Partial Nationalization
Ahmadinejad adopts Obama's 'Yes We Can' phrase for re-election campaign
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is "hoping" that Iran doesn't vote for "change" as he wants a second term. He issued a promotional video with him pointing to the Farsi phrase "Ma Mitavanim" (We Can) on a blackboard. He film is aimed at students as he used to be a university lecturer.
Isn't this what Obama did as well? He used the same phrase in hopes of getting the youth vote because they are gullible.
If you would like to see the picture of Ahmadinejad pointing to the phrase, click the Politico link below.
The Guardian: Can Ahmadinejad copy Obama's election slogan? Yes, he can
Politico: 'Yes We Can,' Farsi edition
Isn't this what Obama did as well? He used the same phrase in hopes of getting the youth vote because they are gullible.
If you would like to see the picture of Ahmadinejad pointing to the phrase, click the Politico link below.
The Guardian: Can Ahmadinejad copy Obama's election slogan? Yes, he can
Politico: 'Yes We Can,' Farsi edition
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Gibbs: 'Contact the White House' about plane
Obama says "It was a mistake and it will never happen again." This man knew all about it. The "Buck Stops Here."
Press Secretary Robert Gibbs is a glorified idiot. He is supposed to be a professional spin doctor. I don't buy him not knowing where Air Force One is. He travels on Air Force One! Everyone important at the White House knew about this photo-op in New York. They used to say, "The Buck Stops Here." President Obama better realize that his White House is not as transparent as he says it is.
Imagine if this happened during the George W. Bush administration. Does nothing stick to Obama? The Obama administration is heartless.
Bloomberg: Obama Orders Review of New York flight as cost at $328,835
Wall Street Journal: Obama Orders Probe of Flyover
Air Force One,
Barack Obama,
New York City,
Robert Gibbs,
White House
Monday, April 27, 2009
Obama: 'Swine flu is no cause for alarm'
President Obama uses swine flu as a political speech for more scientific research. What an idiot. This man does not care about health care at all. Where is the Health and Human Services secretary? Where is the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention? Where is the Surgeon General? Oh, wait. He hasn't gotten around to those appointments. He has better things to do such as apologize for America's last 240 years, bow to Saudi King Abdullah and chat with enemies.
By the way, what is Janet Napolitano's reason on being so important on this topic. I know she's the Homeland Security secretary, but she's no doctor. This is of national importance, I understand that, but what made her so powerful when it comes to the swine flu.
And now to yesterday's White House briefing about swine flu:
Where is Obama? Is he really concerned? Does he have swine flu? He shook hands with a guy in Mexico City who died of swine flu. I hope he's ok.
By the way, what is Janet Napolitano's reason on being so important on this topic. I know she's the Homeland Security secretary, but she's no doctor. This is of national importance, I understand that, but what made her so powerful when it comes to the swine flu.
And now to yesterday's White House briefing about swine flu:
Where is Obama? Is he really concerned? Does he have swine flu? He shook hands with a guy in Mexico City who died of swine flu. I hope he's ok.
Obama administration frightens New Yorkers with flight

An 'Air Force One' plane few over New York City today followed by at F-16 and nobody told the New Yorkers. This flight flew just over the Statue of Liberty, and word is that the statue even ducked when she saw the plane. It was that close. This was in New York City. The city that still is uneasy when it comes to planes, but the war on terror is over. So it's back to normal and President Barack Obama doesn't care. Neither does the best press secretary in world history, Robert Gibbs.
Nobody even told New York mayor Bloomberg.
This act by the United States Air Force, the White House and the FAA was so insensitive. And this was all for a photo-op? How realistic is seeing Air Force One flying next to the Statue of Liberty? Come on. And, now New Yorkers may not think that the next terrorist attack is a real occurrence. This was the most idiotic thing the government could ever do! By the way, Obama says we must watch our carbon emissions and how much gas was wasted during this flight?
Obama is an idiot and this act was horrible.
NBCNewYork: Jumbo Jet, F-16 Buzz Lady Liberty, Put New Yorkers on Edge
WCBS: White House Apologizes for NYC Military Fly-By
The Wall Street Journal: Low-Flying Plane in Manhattan Was a 'Photo-Op,' FAA Says
New York Daily News: Plane stupid: Bloomberg outraged over military photo-op involving low-flying presidential jet
Obama talks to teleprompter, crowd laughs
This is the true Barack Obama at the National Academy of Sciences today. All he is is a suit and tie. The teleprompter is more smart than he is. Who is the real president? Who is running this country? It is not Obama. Obama goes on tour to have his disciples worship him.
POLITICO: Obama gets ahead of prompter
Obama to be coronated "messiah" on 100th day of office

Artist Michael D'Antuono's painting "The Truth" will be unveiled on April 29 at New York City's Union Square.

The Democratic "messiah" is here! Obama is today's version of the golden cow. These Democrats have nothing else to believe in since they abandoned God, so they chose Obama as their new idol.
WorldNetDaily: 100 days in office, Obama coronated Messiah
Associated Press: Reid says Obama told him, 'I have a gift'
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Obama Administration alienates another country: Canada
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano seems to be a little confused with her job. All she does is make people think that she is an idiot. She sends out a report calling conservatives "extremists" and now she blames Canada for allowing terrorists into the United States. There was not a single Sept. 11 terrorist who came to the United States through Canada. She also says that the Canadian border security must be equal to that of Mexico's. This upsets many Canadians and Americans. Is there a war going on in Canada, like Mexico's, that we are not aware of?
Today, a Canadian Newspaper "The National Post" from Ottowa said "She appears to be about as knowledgeable about border issues as a late-night radio call-in yahoo." They ask how in the world she got her job. And they are serious.
Later in the day, Napolitano sent out a statement saying "I made a mistake. I know that the September 11th hijackers did not come through Canada to the United States." The curious minds, like myself, wonder if she actually wrote that statement or if somebody else did in her staff. She needs to step down or be fired.
First, President Obama upsets our closest ally by sending back a bust of Winston Churchill and now this with Canada. What is with this administration and alienating our closest friends? Soon the United States will be all alone. This is the change we believe in?
Janet Napolitano talks to CBC News and the Canadians aren't happy with her.
National Post: The border for dummies
CBC News: U.S. security boss clarifies comments about border
CBC News: TRANSCRIPT--Interview with U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano
National Post: Napolitano makes Bush administration look well informed
Fox News: Napolitano Riles Canadians By Suggesting 9/11 Terrorists Crossed Their Border
Reuters: Canada chides U.S. for remarks on 9/11 plotters
The Canadian Press: Napolitano's comments about Canada's border spark diplomatic kerfuffle
Today, a Canadian Newspaper "The National Post" from Ottowa said "She appears to be about as knowledgeable about border issues as a late-night radio call-in yahoo." They ask how in the world she got her job. And they are serious.
Later in the day, Napolitano sent out a statement saying "I made a mistake. I know that the September 11th hijackers did not come through Canada to the United States." The curious minds, like myself, wonder if she actually wrote that statement or if somebody else did in her staff. She needs to step down or be fired.
First, President Obama upsets our closest ally by sending back a bust of Winston Churchill and now this with Canada. What is with this administration and alienating our closest friends? Soon the United States will be all alone. This is the change we believe in?
Janet Napolitano talks to CBC News and the Canadians aren't happy with her.
National Post: The border for dummies
CBC News: U.S. security boss clarifies comments about border
CBC News: TRANSCRIPT--Interview with U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano
National Post: Napolitano makes Bush administration look well informed
Fox News: Napolitano Riles Canadians By Suggesting 9/11 Terrorists Crossed Their Border
Reuters: Canada chides U.S. for remarks on 9/11 plotters
The Canadian Press: Napolitano's comments about Canada's border spark diplomatic kerfuffle
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Shirtless Obama on cover

President Obama does enjoy showing his chest. Just look at him in Hawai'i. Now a magazine is promoting this. They are "ga ga" over Obama, like a lot of people are. What other world leader enjoys showing his skin? Vladimir Putin of Russia.
ABC News: President Beefcake? D.C. magazine to feature shirtless Obama on cover
Walkout at UN racist summit over Ahmadinejad's anti-Israel comments
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was the first speaker at the UN Racism Conference in Geneva on Monday. Most of the diplomats from the Western world left before he even finished speaking because he again accused Israel as being evil. He said Israel is the most racist country on Earth.
Some 40 UN diplomats from countries like the United Kingdom, Germany and France left during the hateful speech.
The United States, Canada, Italy and Israel are among the countries that boycotted the event.
AP: Iran leader sparks walkout at UN over Israel
Bloomberg: Ahmadinejad Attack on Israel Sparks UN Forum Walkout
The Herald: Walkout at UN conference over Iran leader's speech
AP: Iran's president slams Israel...
Some 40 UN diplomats from countries like the United Kingdom, Germany and France left during the hateful speech.
The United States, Canada, Italy and Israel are among the countries that boycotted the event.
AP: Iran leader sparks walkout at UN over Israel
Bloomberg: Ahmadinejad Attack on Israel Sparks UN Forum Walkout
The Herald: Walkout at UN conference over Iran leader's speech
AP: Iran's president slams Israel...
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad,
racist summit,
United Nations,
Obama acts like government is cutting spending
President Barack Obama says we have more to do. But first, lets make Cabinet budget cuts.
This is what has happened so far:
Department of Veterans Affairs- canceled or delayed 26 conferences, saving almost $17.8 million
Department of Agriculture- combining 1,500 workers from seven office locations into a single facility in 2011 for a projected savings of $62 million over 15 years
Department of Homeland Security- buying office supplies in bulk saving as much as $52 million over five years
I just shake my head... Why haven't these things been done before and how do these things cost this much money? Where are the real cuts? The government is spending money faster than it can be printed. Just wait until the next stimulus. These cuts are nothing compared to their plans to come.
AP: Obama orders Cabinet to cut spending by $100M
Bloomberg: Obama will order his Cabinet to reduce spending by $100 Million
This is what has happened so far:
Department of Veterans Affairs- canceled or delayed 26 conferences, saving almost $17.8 million
Department of Agriculture- combining 1,500 workers from seven office locations into a single facility in 2011 for a projected savings of $62 million over 15 years
Department of Homeland Security- buying office supplies in bulk saving as much as $52 million over five years
I just shake my head... Why haven't these things been done before and how do these things cost this much money? Where are the real cuts? The government is spending money faster than it can be printed. Just wait until the next stimulus. These cuts are nothing compared to their plans to come.
AP: Obama orders Cabinet to cut spending by $100M
Bloomberg: Obama will order his Cabinet to reduce spending by $100 Million
Obama takes power from the CIA to make us safer?
President Barack Obama is again following campaign promises. He is now taking power away from the Central Intelligence Agency. He also allowed the release of memos from Gitmo so the terrorists know what to expect. Or, used to know. We no longer do those things anymore and while we are at it, lets just tell all enemies of the United States our plans. We need to be nicer.
Obama speaks at CIA Headquarters:
Obama to CIA: 'We are on the better side of history'
AP: Obama defends secret memo release to CIA employees
The Washington Post: Obama Cites CIA's Possible 'Mistakes' But Vows Support
Obama speaks at CIA Headquarters:
Obama to CIA: 'We are on the better side of history'
AP: Obama defends secret memo release to CIA employees
The Washington Post: Obama Cites CIA's Possible 'Mistakes' But Vows Support
Monday, April 20, 2009
Chavez to Obama: 'Adiós, mi amigo'
The beat goes on at the Summit of the Americas. Now Venezuela's Hugo Chavez is calling President Barack Obama his "amigo," or friend. Oh, how things have changed. This summit is telling more and more about who the real Obama is.
Noticias 24: Video
Noticias 24: Video
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Obama continues to apologize as Latin American countries blame
This just has to be read. I am going to tell no more. Just read it.
Bloomberg: Obama gets history lesson from Latin American Leaders
Fox News: Obama endures Ortega diatribe
Bloomberg: Obama gets history lesson from Latin American Leaders
Fox News: Obama endures Ortega diatribe
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Video of Obama mocking the Holy Bible in 2006
First off, here is an advertisement that ran during the 2008 presidential election:
In case you were wondering if this was taken out of context, your worries are no more. The following video is Barack Obama's entire speech:
President Obama spoke these words at the Call to Renewal Conference on June 28, 2006.
And, if you still don't believe this, Barack Obama's Web site even has it: CLICK HERE
ABC NEWS: James Dobson accuses Obama of 'distorting' the Bible
In case you were wondering if this was taken out of context, your worries are no more. The following video is Barack Obama's entire speech:
President Obama spoke these words at the Call to Renewal Conference on June 28, 2006.
And, if you still don't believe this, Barack Obama's Web site even has it: CLICK HERE
ABC NEWS: James Dobson accuses Obama of 'distorting' the Bible
Obama gets friendly with Chavez

President Barack Obama may have just befriended Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez at the Summit of the Americas. Chavez gave Obama a book, a handshake and a hug. The book is about how evil the United States is within Latin America.
Before this summit, the White House said that Obama would not make much contact with Chavez, but that hasn't happened.
Chavez is allied with Iran, Russia and Cuba. Now, the United States is on pace to open up trade and everything else with Cuba. Yesterday, there was a report that Israel may bomb nuclear sites in Iran. What will the United States do now? What is this nation's priorities? Be friendly with the world, or stand up for what you believe in?
In other thoughts by me, I feel fearful for what the United States may become. Obama had Christian symbols covered over at Georgetown University and is now friendly with Chavez. This next statement is just a thought, I am not implying anything yet, I'll wait until it happens:
(Revelation 13:1-8)
1And the dragon stood on the shore of the sea. And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. He had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on his horns, and on each head a blasphemous name. 2The beast I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority. 3One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was astonished and followed the beast. 4Men worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, "Who is like the beast? Who can make war against him?"
5The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise his authority for forty-two months. 6He opened his mouth to blaspheme God, and to slander his name and his dwelling place and those who live in heaven. 7He was given power to make war against the saints and to conquer them. And he was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation. 8All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast—all whose names have not been written in the book of life belonging to the Lamb that was slain from the creation of the world.
So far Obama has a mouth to utter proud words and he blasphemes God. I'm saying that there are people who practically worship Obama. You see them. And with him getting Christian symbols covered over at Georgetown University, this is blasphemy. Also with the Department of Homeland Security calling conservatives 'extremists' is also an act against Christianity. If you want to read more, please open up your Holy Bible and read on.
These are just thoughts. I am worried.
Obama received his power so quick and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Associated Press: At summit, Obama gets friendly with Chavez
ABC News: Chavez Gifts Obama with Book that Assails U.S. for Exploiting Latin America
Fox News: Chavez Says U.S. Empire Will Soon Fall, Calls Bush Devil
Friday, April 17, 2009
Chavez to Obama: Let's be friends

President Barack Obama already is eager to become friendly with Cuba. Well, then, why not Venezuela? Venezuela's Hugo Chavez is the closest ally of Cuba. He sees himself as the new Castro.
The handshake above between the two world leaders look as if it is a secret friendly handshake at the Sumit of the Americas. It may not be, but that is as it appears to me. I'll wait for a video for a confirmation. Chavez even said to Obama during the handshake, according to Reuters, "I want to be your friend."
Obama does seem to be more friendly with socialist and fascist leaders than capitalist leaders. So we will see. The old United States was allied with the United Kingdom, and the new U.S. may be allied with Russia, Cuba and Venezuela, who would have figured? What would John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan think of this?
Obama apology tour continues south of the border, but did he actually write this, or was it the famed teleprompter? CLICK HERE
Reuters: Obama, Venezuela's Chavez shake hands at summit
Israel may strike Iran within days
Israel has had enough with the threats from Iran. The nation of Israel may attack Iran's nuclear facilities in a couple of days. Also, Israeli President Benjamin Netenyahu does not seem to trust President Barack Obama on protecting Israel.
Read the articles below for more information.
The Times (of London): Israel stands ready to bomb Iran's nuclear sites
The Age (of Melbourne, AU): Obama's stance worries Israelis
Fox News: Report: Israel Preparing Assult on Iran's Nuclear Sites
Read the articles below for more information.
The Times (of London): Israel stands ready to bomb Iran's nuclear sites
The Age (of Melbourne, AU): Obama's stance worries Israelis
Fox News: Report: Israel Preparing Assult on Iran's Nuclear Sites
Benjamin Netenyahu,
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad,
NBC Green Week next week because 'Green is Universal'
Here is a "Green Week" preview story as NBC-Universal is going to brainwash America next week. I thought it would be good to get a head start on them. The following article is courtesy of Universal Press Syndicate and the Kansas City Star.
Link to Dear Abby
AP: EPA takes first step toward climate change regs
Dear Abby | ‘Green’ businesses are seeing green, too
DEAR ABBY: I am 8 years old, and I love science. I am writing you because when I go to the doughnut shop, they always give me paper bags when I order my doughnut to eat there. I also notice other people getting bags they don’t need because they are eating their doughnuts there, too.
How many trees have to die for no reason?
I care about recycling and how long it takes for things to break down in the earth. What can I do so the doughnut shop will stop wasting bags? — Mandi in Scarsdale, N.Y.
DEAR MANDI: I respect the fact that you are conscientious about how your actions — and the actions of the people around you — affect the environment. You are a sharp young lady.
What you should do is speak to the manager of the doughnut shop. Tell him or her that these days a strong selling point in many businesses is that they are “going green.” In the case of the doughnut shop, it would cost them less and even gain them more customers if they would stop handing out bags to customers who are eating their doughnuts on the premises and tell them why. (A piece of waxed paper would suffice and create less waste.)
Readers, if you are interested in how long it takes the items we toss into our landfills to decompose, I found the following illuminating.
Read on:
•Paper, 2 to 5 months
•Orange peels, 6 months
•Milk cartons, 5 years
•Filter-tip cigarettes, 10 to 12 years
•Plastic bags, 10 to 20 years
•Leather shoes, 24 to 40 years
•Plastic containers, 50 to 80 years
•Disposable diapers, 75 years
•Tin cans, 100 years
•Aluminum cans, 200 to 500 years
•Styrofoam, never
Link to Dear Abby
AP: EPA takes first step toward climate change regs
I was just listening to the CBS News Radio Round-up and it said that President Barack Obama is going to take global warming seriously. The radio report blamed carbon dioxide as a major reason of global warming. So, according to these global warming scientists nut jobs it is our fault. After all, humans breathe. And humans are not the only problem. If you have a cat or dog at your home, your property is a global warming hot spot.
Al Gore has brought this on.
In a story I read from the Deseret News said carbon dioxide is causing the temperature to increase, especially in Alaska and the Mountain West. I say bears, birds and other wild animals are to blame, not just humans. How many humans are in Alaska, exactly?
Also in this article it said reduced carbon dioxide would significantly lessen predicted future droughts on the Pacific Coast and flooding in the Northeast. Hmmmm, you know, I might enjoy a drought in these areas. These two regions may deserve it. They are home to the global warming nuts, nutty politicians, gay marriage activists and they don't believe in God.
The article then says that much of Europe, Russia, China and Australia would see the biggest temperature benefits if there was reduced carbon emissions. You know, who really cares. It said that there would be more rain in the Mediterranean, Caribbean and North Africa. Come on, how would they know this? They are just making stuff up now.
Global warming nut jobs hate oil too. They hate the traditional light bulb.
If people would actually look at weather and climatology seriously, they would see that this is normal. Yet, the liberal wackos only see it their way.
Deseret News: Simulation finds emission cuts would lessen global warming
AP: EPA takes first step toward climate change regs
Al Gore has brought this on.
In a story I read from the Deseret News said carbon dioxide is causing the temperature to increase, especially in Alaska and the Mountain West. I say bears, birds and other wild animals are to blame, not just humans. How many humans are in Alaska, exactly?
Also in this article it said reduced carbon dioxide would significantly lessen predicted future droughts on the Pacific Coast and flooding in the Northeast. Hmmmm, you know, I might enjoy a drought in these areas. These two regions may deserve it. They are home to the global warming nuts, nutty politicians, gay marriage activists and they don't believe in God.
The article then says that much of Europe, Russia, China and Australia would see the biggest temperature benefits if there was reduced carbon emissions. You know, who really cares. It said that there would be more rain in the Mediterranean, Caribbean and North Africa. Come on, how would they know this? They are just making stuff up now.
Global warming nut jobs hate oil too. They hate the traditional light bulb.
If people would actually look at weather and climatology seriously, they would see that this is normal. Yet, the liberal wackos only see it their way.
Deseret News: Simulation finds emission cuts would lessen global warming
AP: EPA takes first step toward climate change regs
Greg Gutfeld: The media makes fun because they have no control
Fox News' Greg Gutfeld has some good points. He may be on at 3 a.m., but he knows it when he sees it. The media is upset because these anti-tax tea party protesters don't like big government. But what is with the sick humor. It makes me wonder who these people are who watch MSNBC. MSNBC, the so-called "place for politics."
The full video of the sick MSNBC humor. WARNING: MAY MAKE YOU THROW UP
Fox News: Cable Anchors, Guests Use Tea Parties as Platform for Frat House Humor
The full video of the sick MSNBC humor. WARNING: MAY MAKE YOU THROW UP
Fox News: Cable Anchors, Guests Use Tea Parties as Platform for Frat House Humor
Sick Humor on MSNBC about tea parties
Keith Olbermann and Janeane Garofalo attack Fox News and call conservatives racists. This is awful. Imagine if this was on Fox News. Fox would be attacked and people would want it off the air, but MSNBC can do what it wants.
These two are idiots. This is not about racism, this is about BIG GOVERNMENT!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!
Rachel Maddow has more to say too. What is with this humor? This is the real America. Wake up Maddow! I know Miss Maddow loves big government and worships Obama, but wake up.
Olbermann begins with Obama at Georgetown University with no Jesus in sight and MSNBC is cheering. Let's begin massive big government spending. Then it's time to attack Fox News.
CNN had to have some part of this. This is sad, I thought I liked CNN. What is going on? Why is CNN attacking Fox News? CNN says they are proud they are ignoring the tea parties.
Glenn Beck responds to the biased media today. So, these tea parties aren't real news? And since when does a reporter not allow an interviewee to speak? And again, the attack on Fox News.
When will Fox News be taken off the air? The State media is coming. MSNBC and CNN are it already, Obama cannot allow Fox to continue to report the news. It has to be Obama is always right and if you disagree you are an 'extremist.'
Fox News: Cable Anchors, Guests Use Tea Parties as Platform for Frat House Humor
These two are idiots. This is not about racism, this is about BIG GOVERNMENT!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!
Rachel Maddow has more to say too. What is with this humor? This is the real America. Wake up Maddow! I know Miss Maddow loves big government and worships Obama, but wake up.
Olbermann begins with Obama at Georgetown University with no Jesus in sight and MSNBC is cheering. Let's begin massive big government spending. Then it's time to attack Fox News.
CNN had to have some part of this. This is sad, I thought I liked CNN. What is going on? Why is CNN attacking Fox News? CNN says they are proud they are ignoring the tea parties.
Glenn Beck responds to the biased media today. So, these tea parties aren't real news? And since when does a reporter not allow an interviewee to speak? And again, the attack on Fox News.
When will Fox News be taken off the air? The State media is coming. MSNBC and CNN are it already, Obama cannot allow Fox to continue to report the news. It has to be Obama is always right and if you disagree you are an 'extremist.'
Fox News: Cable Anchors, Guests Use Tea Parties as Platform for Frat House Humor
Fox News,
Janeane Garofalo,
Keith Olbermann,
tea party
Thursday, April 16, 2009
New York State following same-sex marriage wave
Well, same-sex marriage is a right. That's what New York Gov. David Paterson says. I disagree. The Holy Bible, and more specifically Paul's epistles, says that homosexuality is a sin. Marriage is a religious term.
Paterson introduced a bill today to legalize same-sex marriage in New York state and he compared it to the effort to the fight for the abolition of slavery. Wow. So who exactly owns these homosexuals? I don't think this comparison is valid, but at least he tried. It's the effort that counts.
As I have said before, sin is sin. They can say all they want that this is great and all, but sin is sin. The new New York Catholic archbishop has vowed to fight this bill and I hope other Christians do the same. This is an assault on Christianity.
Liberals have no problem shredding the Constitution and the Holy Bible. Either you believe the Holy Bible is entirely true or you do not. The same goes for the Constitution.
The StarTribune: New York governor introduces bill to legalize same-sex marriage
Paterson introduced a bill today to legalize same-sex marriage in New York state and he compared it to the effort to the fight for the abolition of slavery. Wow. So who exactly owns these homosexuals? I don't think this comparison is valid, but at least he tried. It's the effort that counts.
As I have said before, sin is sin. They can say all they want that this is great and all, but sin is sin. The new New York Catholic archbishop has vowed to fight this bill and I hope other Christians do the same. This is an assault on Christianity.
Liberals have no problem shredding the Constitution and the Holy Bible. Either you believe the Holy Bible is entirely true or you do not. The same goes for the Constitution.
The StarTribune: New York governor introduces bill to legalize same-sex marriage
White House asked Georgetown to cover Jesus at Obama speech
Ok, this is a shocker. Or, is it? A black shroud covered the letters "IHS" in Gaston Hall where President Barack Obama spoke. "IHS" is used to symbol the name of Jesus Christ. Why would the Obama White House want that covered? Who would ever want to cover a Christian religious symbol? Is he saying he is above the Holy Trinity? One could think that, such as me.
The White House had other religious symbols covered over as well.
Also what is with Georgetown University complying to the Obama White House request? Does Georgetown truly respect Christianity? Georgetown University is a Roman Catholic University of the Jesuit Order. Georgetown may just as well just deny Jesus as the Christ and leave the Roman Catholic Church.
I'm waiting for the Vatican response. This deserves a papal response. This is far worse than the University of Notre Dame inviting Obama to speak at commencement. Georgetown covered up Jesus Christ.
Exactly what is so offensive with Jesus Christ? I want to know. The White House better speak out. I don't mean just from the most amazing press secretary, but also from the president. This is of national importance.
Obama identifies himself as a Christian. Now prove it.
This is the Easter Season. Christ is Risen! He is no longer in the tomb, where the White House wants to put Jesus apparently. Obama and the White House are living in the Good Friday world of death and darkness and of the unknown.
If this is because of separation of Church and State, Obama, just don't speak at a Christian university. Make it easy on yourself, speak at a state-funded public university. Don't go covering up the true Messiah!
Obama should have not been there anyway. Why did they allow him to speak?
NBC Washington: Jesus Missing From Obama's Georgetown Speech
CNSNews: Georgetown Says It Covered Over Name of Jesus to Comply with White House Request
The White House had other religious symbols covered over as well.
Also what is with Georgetown University complying to the Obama White House request? Does Georgetown truly respect Christianity? Georgetown University is a Roman Catholic University of the Jesuit Order. Georgetown may just as well just deny Jesus as the Christ and leave the Roman Catholic Church.
I'm waiting for the Vatican response. This deserves a papal response. This is far worse than the University of Notre Dame inviting Obama to speak at commencement. Georgetown covered up Jesus Christ.
Exactly what is so offensive with Jesus Christ? I want to know. The White House better speak out. I don't mean just from the most amazing press secretary, but also from the president. This is of national importance.
Obama identifies himself as a Christian. Now prove it.
This is the Easter Season. Christ is Risen! He is no longer in the tomb, where the White House wants to put Jesus apparently. Obama and the White House are living in the Good Friday world of death and darkness and of the unknown.
If this is because of separation of Church and State, Obama, just don't speak at a Christian university. Make it easy on yourself, speak at a state-funded public university. Don't go covering up the true Messiah!
Obama should have not been there anyway. Why did they allow him to speak?
NBC Washington: Jesus Missing From Obama's Georgetown Speech
CNSNews: Georgetown Says It Covered Over Name of Jesus to Comply with White House Request
Barack Obama,
Georgetown University,
Jesus Christ,
Roman Catholic
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Texas Gov. says state can leave union if it wants
Texas Gov. Rick Perry said at a tea party on Wednesday that the state could secede from the union.
Read the story:
The Statesman: Perry fires up anti-tax crowd
Listen to the audio:
Houston Chronicle: Perry says Texas can leave the union if it wants to
Read the story:
The Statesman: Perry fires up anti-tax crowd
Listen to the audio:
Houston Chronicle: Perry says Texas can leave the union if it wants to
Napolitano stands by 'extremism' report
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano is not changing her mind on right-wing extremists. So, I guess conservatism is the problem. The Left has to have it their way, or the highway.
The Washington Times: Napolitano stands by 'extremism' report
The Washington Times: Napolitano stands by 'extremism' report
Tax Day 2009: Lets be patriotic!
In the words of Vice President Joe Biden, a man who is patriotic because he loves paying taxes, happy tax day!
A look back:
A look back:
Pirates attack another U.S.-flagged ship, but fail to get aboard
The Liberty Sun, a U.S.-flagged cargo ship bound for Mombasa, Kenya, was attacked Tuesday by Somali pirates, according to a NATO source. The good thing was nothing happened besides the attack, they failed to get aboard and the ship was able to escape.
The pirates will not quit. After all, this is the Somalia economy. I just hope the U.S. doesn't have to get caught in another hostage crisis because of this. Every day is something new with these pirates.
CNN: Pirates attack U.S. cargo ship but fail to get aboard
The pirates will not quit. After all, this is the Somalia economy. I just hope the U.S. doesn't have to get caught in another hostage crisis because of this. Every day is something new with these pirates.
CNN: Pirates attack U.S. cargo ship but fail to get aboard
Bo has first press conference
The dog of the Kennedy Clan is finally home. And to celebrate, there had to be a press conference. President Barack Obama introduced Bo, the 'First Dog,' today on the White House lawn to reporters. (This is meant to be soft news.)
If video does not work, CLICK HERE to send you to NBCWashington.
If video does not work, CLICK HERE to send you to NBCWashington.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Homeland Security: Conservatism is more dangerous than Al-Qaeda
In a statement that shocks no one, the Obama team has declared war on conservatism. To be more correct, they call it "right wing extremist activity." The Department of Homeland Security says that the election of America's first black president and the return of a few disgruntled war veterans could swell the ranks of white-power militias. A footnote said that "rightwing extremism" also includes groups that reject federal authority in favor of state or local activity.
So, according to the Department of Homeland Security, all the people who will take part in the tea parties tomorrow are extremists as well as the governors who are not accepting portions of the stimulus bill. Texas Gov. Rick Perry must be an extremist leader because he talked about states' rights today.
Since when does the federal government have control over the states. I know each state is within the borders of the Unites States, but there is a thing called the Constitution that many have just forgotten about.
The not surprising part of the study is that it offers no numbers. There is no proof in what it says. It just says it. That's it.
The Washington Times: Federal agency warns of radicals on right
World Net Daily: Homeland Security on guard for 'right-wing extremists'
AFP: US recession, 1st black president, 'fuel extremism'
Reuters: Recession fueling right-wing extremism, U.S. says
So, according to the Department of Homeland Security, all the people who will take part in the tea parties tomorrow are extremists as well as the governors who are not accepting portions of the stimulus bill. Texas Gov. Rick Perry must be an extremist leader because he talked about states' rights today.
Since when does the federal government have control over the states. I know each state is within the borders of the Unites States, but there is a thing called the Constitution that many have just forgotten about.
The not surprising part of the study is that it offers no numbers. There is no proof in what it says. It just says it. That's it.
The Washington Times: Federal agency warns of radicals on right
World Net Daily: Homeland Security on guard for 'right-wing extremists'
AFP: US recession, 1st black president, 'fuel extremism'
Reuters: Recession fueling right-wing extremism, U.S. says
Bill of Rights,
Homeland Security,
Rick Perry
Texas to Washington: Don't mess with Texas
Texas Gov. Rick Perry apparently has seen enough. He is tired of the U.S. government controlling all aspects of the state of Texas. Today he joined Rep. Brandon Creighton and sponsors of House Concurrent Resolution (HCR) 50 in support of states' rights under the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
He said:
“I believe that our federal government has become oppressive in its size, its intrusion into the lives of our citizens, and its interference with the affairs of our state,” Gov. Perry said. “That is why I am here today to express my unwavering support for efforts all across our country to reaffirm the states’ rights affirmed by the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. I believe that returning to the letter and spirit of the U.S. Constitution and its essential 10th Amendment will free our state from undue regulations, and ultimately strengthen our Union.”
Could this be signaling that Texas believes it can deal with its own problems without Washington? I don't think this is a threat of secession, but at least they know their rights. Will other states follow?
Office of the Governor Rick Perry: Gov. Perry Backs Resolution Affirming...
He said:
“I believe that our federal government has become oppressive in its size, its intrusion into the lives of our citizens, and its interference with the affairs of our state,” Gov. Perry said. “That is why I am here today to express my unwavering support for efforts all across our country to reaffirm the states’ rights affirmed by the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. I believe that returning to the letter and spirit of the U.S. Constitution and its essential 10th Amendment will free our state from undue regulations, and ultimately strengthen our Union.”
Could this be signaling that Texas believes it can deal with its own problems without Washington? I don't think this is a threat of secession, but at least they know their rights. Will other states follow?
Office of the Governor Rick Perry: Gov. Perry Backs Resolution Affirming...
Friday, April 10, 2009
When is sin, not sin? Never, sin is sin
Baptist minister Rick Warren is no longer against same-sex marriage. He apparently has forgotten about scripture. The Bible says homosexuality is a sin. If you don't believe me, just read an epistle sometime.
The pope is right, secularism is destroying Christianity. What can be done to fix this? When will people "believe" what they "believe?" What happened to morals?
I always say the same things, but really?
One News Now: Rick Warren disavows support for Prop. 8
The pope is right, secularism is destroying Christianity. What can be done to fix this? When will people "believe" what they "believe?" What happened to morals?
I always say the same things, but really?
One News Now: Rick Warren disavows support for Prop. 8
gay marriage,
Rick Warren,
same-sex marriage,
Hillary: 'We don't know what to believe' about Iran
Iran is trying to build a nuclear bomb and now they aren't even trying to hide that. Meanwhile, the United States just sits and laughs at the entire situation.
Hillary doesn't know what to believe. Obama says nothing. Meanwhile, why does France tend to care more about this? And Israel?
Is he US too concerned with making friends with the Middle East than to take a stand on what is right?
Reuters: Iran says running 7,000 enrichment centrifuges
AFP: France concerned over Iranian nuclear boast
Reuters: U.S. does not see Iran's nuclear claims as rebuff
Hillary doesn't know what to believe. Obama says nothing. Meanwhile, why does France tend to care more about this? And Israel?
Is he US too concerned with making friends with the Middle East than to take a stand on what is right?
Reuters: Iran says running 7,000 enrichment centrifuges
AFP: France concerned over Iranian nuclear boast
Reuters: U.S. does not see Iran's nuclear claims as rebuff
Barack Obama,
Hillary Clinton,
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad,
Pirating is economy of Somalia
LATEST: Pirates recapture American sea captain; Obama and Clinton do nothing
Associated Press: Pirates recapture US hostage...
Associated Press: Pirates recapture US hostage...
Barack Obama,
Hillary Clinton,
Obama knows best for world, himself
(From April 6)
President Barack Obama knows what is best for the world. He says that Turkey should be allowed into the European Union. He, an American president, not a European. And, he admits that Islam has had an affect on the United States in the past, what exactly does he mean. And, he admits that Islam has had an affect on his life.
BBC ran with this story, click here.
President Barack Obama knows what is best for the world. He says that Turkey should be allowed into the European Union. He, an American president, not a European. And, he admits that Islam has had an affect on the United States in the past, what exactly does he mean. And, he admits that Islam has had an affect on his life.
BBC ran with this story, click here.
Barack Obama,
European Union,
Muslim world,
Pope: 'We have drifted into a desert of godlessness'
Pope Benedict XVI is actually doing something worthwhile. I applaud him for it. He is going to talk about the rise of aggressive secularism in Western societies.
It is about time. We have Roman Catholics who don't know what they believe in. They are for same-sex marriage, they are for abortion, and who knows what else. Then we have other denominations within Christianity who have forgotten about the Creeds and the Holy Bible and the Catechism, as well.
I am a Lutheran Christian and I have seen this drift because of secularism. In just the past week, Iowa and Vermont now have same-sex marriage.
What happened to morals? What happened to the fear of the wrath of God? Well, I guess, just watch tv. This is the "have it your way" world now, as so I have heard.
The Daily Mail: We have drifted into a desert of godlessness (and happy Easter to all): Pope gives Good Friday address
It is about time. We have Roman Catholics who don't know what they believe in. They are for same-sex marriage, they are for abortion, and who knows what else. Then we have other denominations within Christianity who have forgotten about the Creeds and the Holy Bible and the Catechism, as well.
I am a Lutheran Christian and I have seen this drift because of secularism. In just the past week, Iowa and Vermont now have same-sex marriage.
What happened to morals? What happened to the fear of the wrath of God? Well, I guess, just watch tv. This is the "have it your way" world now, as so I have heard.
The Daily Mail: We have drifted into a desert of godlessness (and happy Easter to all): Pope gives Good Friday address
Obama aids choosing "perfect" church for First Family for Easter
President Barack Obama has not been to a church since he was inaugurated in January. It is now April. Why no church? Could it be that he does not believe in God, or does he see himself as God, or is he secretly worshipping Allah. Now, I'm joking about Allah, but with how buddy buddy he is with the Middle East, I wouldn't rule it out.
The aids are choosing a church that makes Obama look the best. I thought it was the family who was supposed to choose a church. Since when is it political?
He worshipped at Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago and apparently he enjoyed it because he never left, until it hurt his campaign. He and Rev. Wright are one of the same. Just look at what Obama's done since becoming president.
Church is supposed to be special. It isn't about the building, it is about the people and what you worship. It is a family of people who believe what you believe. Now, why does the White House want to go and make it all about politics and polls?
Politico wrote an article about Obama's Easter church choosing:
Politico: Obama to attend D.C. church for Easter
The aids are choosing a church that makes Obama look the best. I thought it was the family who was supposed to choose a church. Since when is it political?
He worshipped at Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago and apparently he enjoyed it because he never left, until it hurt his campaign. He and Rev. Wright are one of the same. Just look at what Obama's done since becoming president.
Church is supposed to be special. It isn't about the building, it is about the people and what you worship. It is a family of people who believe what you believe. Now, why does the White House want to go and make it all about politics and polls?
Politico wrote an article about Obama's Easter church choosing:
Politico: Obama to attend D.C. church for Easter
Reuters: Pirates pose annoying distraction for Obama
Oh yeah, these pirates, or "marine-merchant organizers with guns" are just so hilarious. Our Secretary of State Hillary Clinton knows all about pirates.
And then there is President Barack Obama who says he has "no comment" on the pirates seizing an American ship off of the coast of Somalia. The captain may have been kidnapped and taken for ransom for now for a whopping $2 million.
Sadly, if the sea captain was black I think things may be different. This instance is this captain is a white man. Obama can care less about white people (he's the opposite of George W. Bush according to Kanye West). Remember the flooding in the Dakotas? Where was Obama?
Meanwhile, it is playtime for Obama and Hillary Clinton.

As Obama cares about the rest of the world and how they feel about us, he can care less about America.
Reuters: Pirates pose annoying distraction for Obama
The Root: Clinton and Obama, in the Sandbox Again
And then there is President Barack Obama who says he has "no comment" on the pirates seizing an American ship off of the coast of Somalia. The captain may have been kidnapped and taken for ransom for now for a whopping $2 million.
Sadly, if the sea captain was black I think things may be different. This instance is this captain is a white man. Obama can care less about white people (he's the opposite of George W. Bush according to Kanye West). Remember the flooding in the Dakotas? Where was Obama?
Meanwhile, it is playtime for Obama and Hillary Clinton.
As Obama cares about the rest of the world and how they feel about us, he can care less about America.
Reuters: Pirates pose annoying distraction for Obama
The Root: Clinton and Obama, in the Sandbox Again
White House: Obama didn't bow to Saudi king
This never happened, according to the White House:
So what is a bow? Does it include kissing the king's feet?
Is Obama a secret Muslim? Why is he so goody-goody with the Middle East? What I want to know is what King Abdullah believes is a bow.
White House response with Robert Gibbs, the best press secretary ever (as they say).
So what is a bow? Does it include kissing the king's feet?
Is Obama a secret Muslim? Why is he so goody-goody with the Middle East? What I want to know is what King Abdullah believes is a bow.
White House response with Robert Gibbs, the best press secretary ever (as they say).
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Obama calls for a world without nukes
President Barack Obama talks about fear to the people of Prague and the others who showed up to see the great orator and messiah.
This was not expected. Obama spoke on the campaign trail about ruining the American military arsenal. We must all be equal, if all cannot have weapons, nobody should have it at all, he says. However, who will have the weapons now? The terrorists and those who want to destroy America. Good plan, Obama.
Obama wants to have an agreement with the Russians about this too. Good idea. I trust the Russians. Not.
The Russians are the same Russians of twenty, thirty and forty years ago. Wake up people!
Read the Politico article: click here
Saturday, April 4, 2009
"More on" Iowa
The Des Moines Register wrote their own opinion on the state allowing gay marriage. It isn't good. They applauded the state supreme court's decision. This is the America we live in now.
Here's the column from the Register: click here
If you want to see the article and decision by the Iowa Supreme Court, click here.
Here's the column from the Register: click here
If you want to see the article and decision by the Iowa Supreme Court, click here.
British newspaper mocks Obama
This is too good for me to just talk about. I have to show the article as it is written. By the way, you would not see this in the United States. Well, maybe on conservative talk radio. But where else?
Here it is. This is courtesy of The Guardian.
The question that flummoxed the great orator
by John Crace, The Guardian, Friday 3 April 2009
Barack Obama, the World's Greatest Orator (™all news organisations), didn't exactly cover himself in glory when the BBC's political editor Nick Robinson asked him a question about who was to blame for the financial crisis. Normally word perfect, Obama ummed, ahed and waffled for the best part of two and a half minutes. Here, John Crace decodes what he was really thinking ...
Nick Robinson: "A question for you both, if I may. The prime minister has repeatedly blamed the United States of America for causing this crisis. France and Germany both blame Britain and America for causing this crisis. Who is right? And isn't the debate about that at the heart of the debate about what to do now?" Brown immediately swivels to leave Obama in pole position. There is a four-second delay before Obama starts speaking [THANKS FOR NOTHING, GORDY BABY. REMIND ME TO HANG YOU OUT TO DRY ONE DAY.] Barack Obama: "I, I, would say that, er ... pause [I HAVEN'T A CLUE] ... if you look at ... pause [WHO IS THIS NICK ROBINSON JERK?] ... the, the sources of this crisis ... pause [JUST KEEP GOING, BUDDY] ... the United States certainly has some accounting to do with respect to . . . pause [I'M IN WAY TOO DEEP HERE] ... a regulatory system that was inadequate to the massive changes that have taken place in the global financial system ... pause, close eyes [THIS IS GOING TO GO DOWN LIKE A CROCK OF SHIT BACK HOME. HELP]. I think what is also true is that ... pause [I WANT NICK ROBINSON TO DISAPPEAR] ... here in Great Britain ... pause [SHIT, GORDY'S THE HOST, DON'T LAND HIM IN IT] ... here in continental Europe ... pause [DAMN IT, BLAME EVERYONE.] ... around the world. We were seeing the same mismatch between the regulatory regimes that were in place and er ... pause [I'VE LOST MY TRAIN OF THOUGHT AGAIN] ... the highly integrated, er, global capital markets that have emerged ... pause [I'M REALLY WINGING IT NOW]. So at this point, I'm less interested in ... pause [YOU] ... identifying blame than fixing the problem. I think we've taken some very aggressive steps in the United States to do so, not just responding to the immediate crisis, ensuring banks are adequately capitalised, er, dealing with the enormous, er ... pause [WHY DIDN'T I QUIT WHILE I WAS AHEAD?] ... drop-off in demand and contraction that has taken place. More importantly, for the long term, making sure that we've got a set of, er, er, regulations that are up to the task, er, and that includes, er, a number that will be discussed at this summit. I think there's a lot of convergence between all the parties involved about the need, for example, to focus not on the legal form that a particular financial product takes or the institution it emerges from, but rather what's the risk involved, what's the function of this product and how do we regulate that adequately, much more effective coordination, er, between countries so we can, er, anticipate the risks that are involved there. Dealing with the, er, problem of derivatives markets, making sure we have set up systems, er, that can reduce some of the risks there. So, I actually think ... pause [FANTASTIC. I'VE LOST EVERYONE, INCLUDING MYSELF] ... there's enormous consensus that has emerged in terms of what we need to do now and, er ... pause [I'M OUTTA HERE. TIME FOR THE USUAL CLOSING BOLLOCKS] ... I'm a great believer in looking forwards than looking backwards. © Guardian News and Media Limited 2009
Link to Article
Here it is. This is courtesy of The Guardian.
The question that flummoxed the great orator
by John Crace, The Guardian, Friday 3 April 2009
Barack Obama, the World's Greatest Orator (™all news organisations), didn't exactly cover himself in glory when the BBC's political editor Nick Robinson asked him a question about who was to blame for the financial crisis. Normally word perfect, Obama ummed, ahed and waffled for the best part of two and a half minutes. Here, John Crace decodes what he was really thinking ...
Nick Robinson: "A question for you both, if I may. The prime minister has repeatedly blamed the United States of America for causing this crisis. France and Germany both blame Britain and America for causing this crisis. Who is right? And isn't the debate about that at the heart of the debate about what to do now?" Brown immediately swivels to leave Obama in pole position. There is a four-second delay before Obama starts speaking [THANKS FOR NOTHING, GORDY BABY. REMIND ME TO HANG YOU OUT TO DRY ONE DAY.] Barack Obama: "I, I, would say that, er ... pause [I HAVEN'T A CLUE] ... if you look at ... pause [WHO IS THIS NICK ROBINSON JERK?] ... the, the sources of this crisis ... pause [JUST KEEP GOING, BUDDY] ... the United States certainly has some accounting to do with respect to . . . pause [I'M IN WAY TOO DEEP HERE] ... a regulatory system that was inadequate to the massive changes that have taken place in the global financial system ... pause, close eyes [THIS IS GOING TO GO DOWN LIKE A CROCK OF SHIT BACK HOME. HELP]. I think what is also true is that ... pause [I WANT NICK ROBINSON TO DISAPPEAR] ... here in Great Britain ... pause [SHIT, GORDY'S THE HOST, DON'T LAND HIM IN IT] ... here in continental Europe ... pause [DAMN IT, BLAME EVERYONE.] ... around the world. We were seeing the same mismatch between the regulatory regimes that were in place and er ... pause [I'VE LOST MY TRAIN OF THOUGHT AGAIN] ... the highly integrated, er, global capital markets that have emerged ... pause [I'M REALLY WINGING IT NOW]. So at this point, I'm less interested in ... pause [YOU] ... identifying blame than fixing the problem. I think we've taken some very aggressive steps in the United States to do so, not just responding to the immediate crisis, ensuring banks are adequately capitalised, er, dealing with the enormous, er ... pause [WHY DIDN'T I QUIT WHILE I WAS AHEAD?] ... drop-off in demand and contraction that has taken place. More importantly, for the long term, making sure that we've got a set of, er, er, regulations that are up to the task, er, and that includes, er, a number that will be discussed at this summit. I think there's a lot of convergence between all the parties involved about the need, for example, to focus not on the legal form that a particular financial product takes or the institution it emerges from, but rather what's the risk involved, what's the function of this product and how do we regulate that adequately, much more effective coordination, er, between countries so we can, er, anticipate the risks that are involved there. Dealing with the, er, problem of derivatives markets, making sure we have set up systems, er, that can reduce some of the risks there. So, I actually think ... pause [FANTASTIC. I'VE LOST EVERYONE, INCLUDING MYSELF] ... there's enormous consensus that has emerged in terms of what we need to do now and, er ... pause [I'M OUTTA HERE. TIME FOR THE USUAL CLOSING BOLLOCKS] ... I'm a great believer in looking forwards than looking backwards. © Guardian News and Media Limited 2009
Link to Article
Barack Obama,
Gordon Brown,
The Guardian
Time magazine: Why Legalizing Marijuana Makes Sense
First my opinion, then the article.
Marijuana is illegal. Cocaine is illegal. Whatever else that is an illegal drug is illegal. These drugs are illegal for a reason. They mess with your mind and ruin lives. You may think they are ok at the present, but look toward the future. It's not good.
Now the article, click here for the Time article.
Marijuana is illegal. Cocaine is illegal. Whatever else that is an illegal drug is illegal. These drugs are illegal for a reason. They mess with your mind and ruin lives. You may think they are ok at the present, but look toward the future. It's not good.
Now the article, click here for the Time article.
Obama to lift some restrictions on Cuba
President Barack Obama is in love with Marxist nations and he believes we should be just like them. Soon, he will lift the travel restrictions on Cuban-Americans to allow them to visit their Cuban relatives on the communist island south of Florida. This is just the beginning. More to come.
Wall Street Journal: U.S. to Lift Some Curbs on Travel to Cuba
Wall Street Journal: U.S. to Lift Some Curbs on Travel to Cuba
New York Times threatens to shut down Boston Globe
News threatening news, what a great strategy. The New York Times Company has threatened to shut down the Boston Globe if the paper cannot agree on a union contract.
Read the story from the Globe: click here
Read the story from the Globe: click here
A look at gay marriage and religion in America
There has to be come correlation to gay marriage and religion. After all, marriage comes from religion. The Holy Bible says marriage is between a man and woman. These days religion and marriage mean nothing as many people have lost their morals.
With the release of the American Religion Survey from Trinity College in early March, I am going to correlate the connection of the states that allow same sex marriage and religion. Here we go.
(the stats are percentages)
New England (Same Sex Marriage: Massachusetts; Similar to marriage: Connecticut, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine)

South Atlantic Region (Unions granting rights similar to marriage: Washington, DC)

West North Central (Same Sex Marriage: Iowa)

Pacific (Same Sex Marriage: Washington; Similar to marriage: California, Oregon)

Other States with laws similar to gay marriage:
New Jersey
New York (foreign only)
New Mexico (foreign only)
Top two categories per state :
Iowa (Roman Catholic-22 percent, Lutheran-15 percent)
Massachusetts (Roman Catholic-39 percent, None-22 percent)
Connecticut (Roman Catholic-38 percent, None-14 percent)
New Jersey (Roman Catholic- 42 percent, None-15 percent)
California (Roman Catholic-37 percent, None-18 percent)
Oregon (None-24 percent, Baptist-9 percent)
Washington (None-25 percent, Roman Catholic-16 percent)
New Hampshire (Roman Catholic-32 percent, None-29 percent)
Vermont (None-34 percent, Roman Catholic-26 percent)
Maine (None-25 percent, Roman Catholic-22 percent)
Washington, DC (None-18 percent, Roman Catholic-13 percent)
New York (Roman Catholic-37 percent, None-14 percent)
New Mexico (Roman Catholic-33 percent, None-16 percent)
Source: American Religious Identification Survey 2008
What happened to America? We are becoming Europe where morals don't matter.
With the release of the American Religion Survey from Trinity College in early March, I am going to correlate the connection of the states that allow same sex marriage and religion. Here we go.
(the stats are percentages)
New England (Same Sex Marriage: Massachusetts; Similar to marriage: Connecticut, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine)

South Atlantic Region (Unions granting rights similar to marriage: Washington, DC)

West North Central (Same Sex Marriage: Iowa)

Pacific (Same Sex Marriage: Washington; Similar to marriage: California, Oregon)

Other States with laws similar to gay marriage:
New Jersey
New York (foreign only)
New Mexico (foreign only)
Top two categories per state :
Iowa (Roman Catholic-22 percent, Lutheran-15 percent)
Massachusetts (Roman Catholic-39 percent, None-22 percent)
Connecticut (Roman Catholic-38 percent, None-14 percent)
New Jersey (Roman Catholic- 42 percent, None-15 percent)
California (Roman Catholic-37 percent, None-18 percent)
Oregon (None-24 percent, Baptist-9 percent)
Washington (None-25 percent, Roman Catholic-16 percent)
New Hampshire (Roman Catholic-32 percent, None-29 percent)
Vermont (None-34 percent, Roman Catholic-26 percent)
Maine (None-25 percent, Roman Catholic-22 percent)
Washington, DC (None-18 percent, Roman Catholic-13 percent)
New York (Roman Catholic-37 percent, None-14 percent)
New Mexico (Roman Catholic-33 percent, None-16 percent)
Source: American Religious Identification Survey 2008
What happened to America? We are becoming Europe where morals don't matter.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Big Brother is already here
The government is watching over you. Do you realize it? If the government thinks that a company that is "too big to fail" is about to fail, they can step in and take it over. But, already, we have the government practically running a couple companies already.
The government already fired General Motor's former CEO and who knows what the government is making the new CEO do. The government owns 80 percent of AIG, yet they attacked the CEO that they put in power. Barney Frank and Chris Dodd are idiots.
Now we have a senator who wants to bailout the newspapers. He wants the bailed out newspapers to become non-profits like NPR and PBS. Is this constitutional? No way! This violates the first amendment! Who's going to stand up to the government?
The Democrats, uh hem, I mean the far left-wing extremists are shredding the Constitution and want the U.S. to turn into Russia or Venezuela. You know, a country where the State owns industry and the media.
This is nuts!!!!!
We are already practically a socialist state, but are we heading on the path to communism or fascism?
The government already fired General Motor's former CEO and who knows what the government is making the new CEO do. The government owns 80 percent of AIG, yet they attacked the CEO that they put in power. Barney Frank and Chris Dodd are idiots.
Now we have a senator who wants to bailout the newspapers. He wants the bailed out newspapers to become non-profits like NPR and PBS. Is this constitutional? No way! This violates the first amendment! Who's going to stand up to the government?
The Democrats, uh hem, I mean the far left-wing extremists are shredding the Constitution and want the U.S. to turn into Russia or Venezuela. You know, a country where the State owns industry and the media.
This is nuts!!!!!
We are already practically a socialist state, but are we heading on the path to communism or fascism?
Secularism is destroying America
We know by now that according to a survey, America is becoming less Christian and has a large number of people who identify themselves as non-believers in any religion. Now, today the Iowa State Supreme Court is going to allow gay marriage.
Iowa, a Midwestern state. Iowa, a state that is predominantly Lutheran. So what is going on? Are these Christians stepping up for their faith? Well, apparently not on the Supreme Court. This is what happens when year after year the voters elect liberal judges.
Christianity is under attack. Morals are under attack.
Gay and lesbian activist groups are aiming on getting all of the New England states to allow gay marriage by 2012. This region is predominantly Roman Catholic. What is going on here?!
Secularism is on the rise. Christianity is on the decrease. Are we becoming Europe?
Reuters: Iowa first Midwest state to allow gay marriage
Iowa, a Midwestern state. Iowa, a state that is predominantly Lutheran. So what is going on? Are these Christians stepping up for their faith? Well, apparently not on the Supreme Court. This is what happens when year after year the voters elect liberal judges.
Christianity is under attack. Morals are under attack.
Gay and lesbian activist groups are aiming on getting all of the New England states to allow gay marriage by 2012. This region is predominantly Roman Catholic. What is going on here?!
Secularism is on the rise. Christianity is on the decrease. Are we becoming Europe?
Reuters: Iowa first Midwest state to allow gay marriage
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Where are we heading?
My insight on political news returns tomorrow (April 1)! I know it has been a while, so I have some quotes from President Ronald Reagan to chew on for now.
There is plenty to talk about as we march to socialism, oh wait, we are already there. Well, huh, then where are we marching? What is down the road from socialism? Where are we heading?
I will take a look at the possible future and of socialism in the past. As an appetizer, Hitler socialized Germany. What's next. We'll take a look back and a look forward.
Just wait.
There is plenty to talk about as we march to socialism, oh wait, we are already there. Well, huh, then where are we marching? What is down the road from socialism? Where are we heading?
I will take a look at the possible future and of socialism in the past. As an appetizer, Hitler socialized Germany. What's next. We'll take a look back and a look forward.
Just wait.
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