Tuesday, May 11, 2010

'Plan B' for Socialists is Religion

As the American people have become more aware at the socialism that the Washington liberals want to force on the American people for the "greater good," these liberals are looking at "converting" people at the local level: at church.
This in fact was tried and failed in the 1920s and 1930s at the height of the American communist movement. Plus, it was through the church, the Roman Catholic Church and some extent, the Lutheran state church, that Adolf Hitler convinced Germany that it was the fault of the Jews that they were in financial turmoil. The corrupt Roman Catholic church just gave Hitler and Benito Mussolini the power necessary to convince their peoples that war was for the "greater good."
It's all about progress
Today, this type of church theology is back and it's powerful. It is progressive theology. It is now being practiced in a church near you. Maybe even your church.
Here are some warning signs:
* A spiritual vitality and expressiveness, including participatory, arts-infused, and lively worship as well as a variety of spiritual rituals and practices such as meditation
* Intellectual integrity including a willingness to question
* An affirmation of human diversity
* An affirmation of the Christian faith with a simultaneous sincere respect for other faiths
* Strong ecological concerns and commitments
* Social justice commitments
Or, have you been told that your view of God must change? Or, that the Holy Bible is just historical and does not relate to today? Or, is your church picking and choosing that Bible verses are good enough?
Progressive theology has taken hold in at least three of the ten largest Christian denominations in the United States.
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Presbyterian Church-USA and United Methodist Churches have all been infiltrated by progressive theology. Progressive theology is socialism. It destroys what you believe in, all the way down to catechism and liturgy.
As a former member of an ELCA church, I know what is going on. It destroyed my church. The ones who believed in Lutheran theology left for the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.
Below is what I see happening:
For example, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America now has many of its churches practicing Progressive Christianity. One of them is an ELCA church in north central Indiana, where I used to be a member. I recently checked on this church's Web site because I saw in the news that hundreds of ELCA churches are leaving the denomination, because of gay clergy, gay rostered staff and plain taking the "Luther" out of its theology. To put it frankly, the ELCA is not Lutheran anymore, at least at the governing level. Some churches are still Lutheran, but it's a matter of time until they are snatched as well.
Getting back to my point, the ELCA, United Methodist Church, Presbyterian Church-USA, Episcopal Church-USA, United Church of Christ and some others are now practicing this new Progressive Christian theology. This is where you question everything and pick and choose what you like in the Bible. In my opinion, not very Christian, or not at all Christian.
Through this, the socialists are transforming, or brainwashing, congregations to their worldview, not the Christ-centered worldview.
When I went on the Web site, I looked at what the pastor wrote in the latest monthly newsletter and I found it troubling, and very close to cultish: http://www.christlutherankokomo.org/WN%20pastor%20message.htm
The way I took the message was that if you leave the ELCA, you are leaving God. And since when does God change. The reason I left, as well as hundreds of others, was for the changity-change. It did not feel like my church anymore. Also, I felt in the message that he was starting over with each paragraph and then the last paragraph I found to be very cultish.
I also looked up the authors he cited in the message and they are equally as nuts and consider themselves to be Progressive Christians.
What was more troubling were the sermons that were more like college lectures and had no relation back to a certain reading lesson of that day. If you want to check them out, they are on the main page's left column. I recommend you look at them, they are way out there.
I think this church is just a case study of the ELCA. It is the future as the Indiana-Kentucy bishop agrees with everything going on. I wouldn't be surprised if this pastor became the next IN-KY bishop.
Socialists never give up, they are now in the local churches to convince these congregations into the socialist worldview.
The thing is that the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod is not immune to this, where I am now. As well as other sects, or synods, within any given denomination. People need to be aware of what's going on in religion.
Now that the ELCA, UMC, PC-USA, E-USA, UCC and some others are now ordaining gays, what will stop them from urging gay marriage? Plus, other government entitlement programs?
On a side-note, the ELCA presiding bishop Mark Hanson in Chicago is also in charge of the Lutheran World Federation. This means he is practically the "pope" over the state churches in Europe and we all know how well they are doing. Power has corrupted the ELCA, much like power has corrupted politicians. I also see the IN-KY synod bishop as a "cardinal."
Martin Luther did not like the structure of the Roman Catholic church as he saw it as corruption, yet, the ELCA went the way of the RC church. Meanwhile, the LCMS and Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, or WELS, each went for the congregational structure, rather than episcopal structure. So LCMS and WELS churches are more independent than ELCA churches are.

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