Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Obama announces war plan for 2010

President Barack Obama knows he is in trouble. He has lied to the American people when it comes to 'no new taxes on the middle class*,' taken over Wall Street businesses and banks and now he needs votes to keep his Democratic, or more accurately called socialist or progressive, friends in office.

Obama announced who's vote he is focusing on in 2010:

Obama would be in favor of amnesty if it means votes.

*New taxes: "ObamaCare" health care bill, "Stimulus" package

THIS JUST IN... Obama considering national sales tax

So, Obama, who claims to be a man of the people, when most know he is not, is in favor of additional taxes on all Americans, and particularly on the middle class.

FoxNews.com: Debt Commission Gets Started With 'Everything' on the Table, Including National Sales Tax

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