Thursday, October 16, 2008

Castro's take on Obama, American politics

Fidel Castro, the former dictator of Cuba and the brother of the current dictator, has endorsed Barack Obama and is now agreeing with the American Democratic Party by saying that the people who are not voting for Obama are racists. Below is an AP article about Castro's opinion.

From the Associated Press via Yahoo! News

HAVANA - Fidel Castro says a "profound racism" in the United States will stop millions from voting for Barack Obama in next month's presidential election.

The ailing, 82-year-old former Cuban president says it is "a miracle that the Democratic candidate hasn't suffered the same luck as (assassinated leaders) Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and others who harbored dreams of equality and justice."

Castro's written comments were published by state media Saturday. In them, he insists a "profound racism" exists in the U.S. and that millions of whites "cannot reconcile themselves to the idea that a black person ... could occupy the White House, which is called just that: white."

Castro also described Republican presidential candidate John McCain as "bellicose."

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