Friday, October 31, 2008
Obama's picture published in New Party publication
The hits just keep on coming. What more proof does anybody need about Barack Obama? Click on the picture below to make it larger to read.
Proof: Barack Obama is a Socialist
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. This may be worth a zillion words. Click on the picture to make it larger so it is easier to read.
Obama and the New Party
Why is the majority of the media trying to protect Barack Obama?!
Below are some links about Obama's connection with the socialist New Party:
Obama Sought Endorsement of Marxist Third Party in 1996
Barack Obama sought the New Party's endorsement knowing it was a radical left organization
Obama and New Party documents
FreeRepublic: Obama Was a New Party Member...
New Party archive with Barack Obama's name
The Weekly Standard The Radical New Party...
DiscoverTheNetworks: New Party and Obama
Below are some links about Obama's connection with the socialist New Party:
Obama Sought Endorsement of Marxist Third Party in 1996
Barack Obama sought the New Party's endorsement knowing it was a radical left organization
Obama and New Party documents
FreeRepublic: Obama Was a New Party Member...
New Party archive with Barack Obama's name
The Weekly Standard The Radical New Party...
DiscoverTheNetworks: New Party and Obama
Obama was member of Socialist New Party in 1996
When Barack Obama ran for Illinois State Senate in 1996 he did not run as a Democrat. He ran as a New Party candidate. The New Party was an offshoot of the Democratic Socialist Party of America. This party also wanted to "spread the wealth" as Obama wants to do today.
This has been reported on CNN's Lou Dobbs Tonight on Oct. 30 and Fox News Channel's Special Report on Oct. 9. This needs to be talked about more in the media. Obama is not who he says he is. He is a Socialist and this proves it.
Below is a video from FNC's Special Report:
When a video from the Oct. 30 Lou Dobbs Tonight is available it will be posted. For now, below is the transcript from this segment on Lou Dobbs Tonight (Courtesy of CNN and CNN: Headline News):
ANNOUNCER: This is LOU DOBBS TONIGHT. News, debate and opinion.
Here again, Mr. Independent, Lou Dobbs.
DOBBS: Welcome back.
My next guest says that in these final days of the election, voters need to take a much closer look at Senator Obama and determine whether they really know him. My next guest says Senator Obama may have a more radical agenda than voters truly realize.
Joining me now is Stanley Kurtz, contributing editor to the "National Review Online," senior fellow at the Ethics and Policy Center. Stanley Kurtz, joining us tonight from Washington, D.C. Stanley, good to have you with us.
DOBBS: You've been - you've been looking into the Obama record for some time. Why has there been, in your judgment, so little interest on the part of the national media in looking into many of the issues that you have?
KURTZ: Well, Lou, I guess I have to put that down to a bias in the media. I think there's some pretty fundamental issues. For example, we're just now finding out there's a lot of evidence to indicate that Barack Obama was almost certainly a member of a pretty far-left-leaning third party, called the New Party.
Now when a presidential candidate had a close relationship with a third party, that's so fundamental. You would think the media would have to report that. So I have to put the failure to report that down to bias.
DOBBS: And when was he a member of the New Party?
KURTZ: This would be in 1996 when he ran for his first elective office, the Illinois state Senate. He was endorsed by the New Party. And all our evidence indicates that he was also a member of the New Party.
At a minimum, he worked very closely with the leadership of that party, which had a very redistributionist point of view, synchronizes very closely with what Senator Obama was saying on the 2001 radio broadcast the other day.
DOBBS: Let's listen in to Senator Obama, if we may. This is a campaigning in North Carolina yesterday, firing back at the label that Senator McCain has tried to hang on him, which is of course, socialist.
OBAMA: Mainly he's called me a socialist for wanting to roll back the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans, so we can finally give tax relief to the middle class.
I don't know what's next. By the end of the week, he'll be accusing me of being a secret communist because I shared my toys in kindergarten.
DOBBS: Well, you have to admit, Stanley, that's a pretty good line and very effective deflection. Do you believe -- and Senator McCain was asked this question, as to whether or not he believed Senator Obama is a socialist. And Senator McCain said no. Redistributionist, yes, but not a socialist.
What do you think?
KURTZ: I'd say that's about right. I think the labeling issue is a bit of a distraction. The important point is did Barack Obama is focused on the redistribution of income in a way that's much more radical than Senator McCain?
Certainly or even, I think, than mainstream American economics and political -- economic policy for the last 20 or 30 years. I mean, this is what matters. Whatever you want to call it.
Arguably, he's a socialist in the sense that he was once affiliated with a party that you could say was socialist. But again, it comes down to hair-splitting arguments that are a distraction from the fundamental point, which is that he's got a pretty far left- leaning economic inclination, which wants to redistribute wealth.
DOBBS: And redistributing wealth, redistributing wealth -- that is effectively, socialism. Is it not? So I'm sort of lost on this on why people are having a little trouble understanding what he's really talking about.
KURTZ: Well, Lou, in some technical definitions of socialism, we're talking about public ownership of the means of production.
DOBBS: Right.
KURTZ: And you know, nothing that Senator Obama has said openly advocates general public ownership of the means of production. But if you look at this New Party that he was so close to, they have something that verges on that position as perhaps a long-term agenda.
And in the short-term, they're trying in a pragmatic way, to move the economy closer and closer to that in a careful, incremental fashion. And you could certainly argue that Senator Obama has this incremental, radicalism.
He wants it in little pieces, little chunks. But the long-term goal, you could say, might be something close to socialism. But again, we would get distracted by the label and miss the basic radicalism of the point of view.
DOBBS: Stanley Kurtz, great to have you with us, thank you for joining us here.
KURTZ: Thanks for having me.
DOBBS: Up next, Michigan is now investigating cases of voter registration fraud. State's attorney general, Mike Cox, joins me.
And more contaminated food from communist China may be on its way to this country. We'll have that report.
And there's signs of the economy, as we are told, that is contracting, is in fact improving. What's going on? And what will be the impact on the election? Three of the country's best economic minds join me here next. Stay with us, we're coming right back.
This has been reported on CNN's Lou Dobbs Tonight on Oct. 30 and Fox News Channel's Special Report on Oct. 9. This needs to be talked about more in the media. Obama is not who he says he is. He is a Socialist and this proves it.
Below is a video from FNC's Special Report:
When a video from the Oct. 30 Lou Dobbs Tonight is available it will be posted. For now, below is the transcript from this segment on Lou Dobbs Tonight (Courtesy of CNN and CNN: Headline News):
ANNOUNCER: This is LOU DOBBS TONIGHT. News, debate and opinion.
Here again, Mr. Independent, Lou Dobbs.
DOBBS: Welcome back.
My next guest says that in these final days of the election, voters need to take a much closer look at Senator Obama and determine whether they really know him. My next guest says Senator Obama may have a more radical agenda than voters truly realize.
Joining me now is Stanley Kurtz, contributing editor to the "National Review Online," senior fellow at the Ethics and Policy Center. Stanley Kurtz, joining us tonight from Washington, D.C. Stanley, good to have you with us.
DOBBS: You've been - you've been looking into the Obama record for some time. Why has there been, in your judgment, so little interest on the part of the national media in looking into many of the issues that you have?
KURTZ: Well, Lou, I guess I have to put that down to a bias in the media. I think there's some pretty fundamental issues. For example, we're just now finding out there's a lot of evidence to indicate that Barack Obama was almost certainly a member of a pretty far-left-leaning third party, called the New Party.
Now when a presidential candidate had a close relationship with a third party, that's so fundamental. You would think the media would have to report that. So I have to put the failure to report that down to bias.
DOBBS: And when was he a member of the New Party?
KURTZ: This would be in 1996 when he ran for his first elective office, the Illinois state Senate. He was endorsed by the New Party. And all our evidence indicates that he was also a member of the New Party.
At a minimum, he worked very closely with the leadership of that party, which had a very redistributionist point of view, synchronizes very closely with what Senator Obama was saying on the 2001 radio broadcast the other day.
DOBBS: Let's listen in to Senator Obama, if we may. This is a campaigning in North Carolina yesterday, firing back at the label that Senator McCain has tried to hang on him, which is of course, socialist.
OBAMA: Mainly he's called me a socialist for wanting to roll back the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans, so we can finally give tax relief to the middle class.
I don't know what's next. By the end of the week, he'll be accusing me of being a secret communist because I shared my toys in kindergarten.
DOBBS: Well, you have to admit, Stanley, that's a pretty good line and very effective deflection. Do you believe -- and Senator McCain was asked this question, as to whether or not he believed Senator Obama is a socialist. And Senator McCain said no. Redistributionist, yes, but not a socialist.
What do you think?
KURTZ: I'd say that's about right. I think the labeling issue is a bit of a distraction. The important point is did Barack Obama is focused on the redistribution of income in a way that's much more radical than Senator McCain?
Certainly or even, I think, than mainstream American economics and political -- economic policy for the last 20 or 30 years. I mean, this is what matters. Whatever you want to call it.
Arguably, he's a socialist in the sense that he was once affiliated with a party that you could say was socialist. But again, it comes down to hair-splitting arguments that are a distraction from the fundamental point, which is that he's got a pretty far left- leaning economic inclination, which wants to redistribute wealth.
DOBBS: And redistributing wealth, redistributing wealth -- that is effectively, socialism. Is it not? So I'm sort of lost on this on why people are having a little trouble understanding what he's really talking about.
KURTZ: Well, Lou, in some technical definitions of socialism, we're talking about public ownership of the means of production.
DOBBS: Right.
KURTZ: And you know, nothing that Senator Obama has said openly advocates general public ownership of the means of production. But if you look at this New Party that he was so close to, they have something that verges on that position as perhaps a long-term agenda.
And in the short-term, they're trying in a pragmatic way, to move the economy closer and closer to that in a careful, incremental fashion. And you could certainly argue that Senator Obama has this incremental, radicalism.
He wants it in little pieces, little chunks. But the long-term goal, you could say, might be something close to socialism. But again, we would get distracted by the label and miss the basic radicalism of the point of view.
DOBBS: Stanley Kurtz, great to have you with us, thank you for joining us here.
KURTZ: Thanks for having me.
DOBBS: Up next, Michigan is now investigating cases of voter registration fraud. State's attorney general, Mike Cox, joins me.
And more contaminated food from communist China may be on its way to this country. We'll have that report.
And there's signs of the economy, as we are told, that is contracting, is in fact improving. What's going on? And what will be the impact on the election? Three of the country's best economic minds join me here next. Stay with us, we're coming right back.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
ACORN claims GOP intimidates black voters
Does ACORN know history? Does ACORN believe Americans are idiots? Apparently, yes.
It was the Democratic Party that suppressed voters in the 1960s, not the Republicans. The Democrats began using scare tactics on blacks beginning after the Reconstruction period in the South after the American Civil War. The Democratic Party wanted control of the Southern states so they threatened, began poll taxes, shot and even killed black voters who would vote for Republicans. If you do not believe that this happened, just open an American history book and look up the era between the Reconstruction period to the time of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Democrats forced blacks to vote their way or else face the possible penalty of death. This is true. So when ACORN runs an advertisement that is completely false, this bothers people, like me, who know history. Remember, it was the Republican Party that wanted to end slavery and it was the Republican Party that gave blacks the ability to vote. But, somehow that has been forgotten.
ACORN, please know history or at least have some grasp on it before you make an advertisement like this:
This ad is appalling. Where are the historians to rebut this? Please speak out!
Now if ACORN is complaining that they can't register Mickey Mouse to vote. There is more going on than a suppressed vote, it's fraud. ACORN is trying to create fraud.
On a side note, are ACORN and the Democratic Party in cahoots? This ad appears that they are. I would hope the Democratic Party would make a statement on a possible relationship, but I know they wont. The Democratic Party is still using scare tactics even today. Sad.
It was the Democratic Party that suppressed voters in the 1960s, not the Republicans. The Democrats began using scare tactics on blacks beginning after the Reconstruction period in the South after the American Civil War. The Democratic Party wanted control of the Southern states so they threatened, began poll taxes, shot and even killed black voters who would vote for Republicans. If you do not believe that this happened, just open an American history book and look up the era between the Reconstruction period to the time of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Democrats forced blacks to vote their way or else face the possible penalty of death. This is true. So when ACORN runs an advertisement that is completely false, this bothers people, like me, who know history. Remember, it was the Republican Party that wanted to end slavery and it was the Republican Party that gave blacks the ability to vote. But, somehow that has been forgotten.
ACORN, please know history or at least have some grasp on it before you make an advertisement like this:
This ad is appalling. Where are the historians to rebut this? Please speak out!
Now if ACORN is complaining that they can't register Mickey Mouse to vote. There is more going on than a suppressed vote, it's fraud. ACORN is trying to create fraud.
On a side note, are ACORN and the Democratic Party in cahoots? This ad appears that they are. I would hope the Democratic Party would make a statement on a possible relationship, but I know they wont. The Democratic Party is still using scare tactics even today. Sad.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Review on Obama's prime-time ad
Barack Obama's ad was pretty depressing. It spoke of the bad times and of course blamed President Bush on the economy. The best part of the presentation was the live conclusion. Frankly, I do not think this ad was a benefit to the Obama Campaign.
Below are videos from tonight's advertisement that aired on CBS, Fox, NBC, MSNBC, Univision, BET and TV1.
Below are videos from tonight's advertisement that aired on CBS, Fox, NBC, MSNBC, Univision, BET and TV1.
The REAL Barack Obama
About Rev. Wright
Obama Compares America to Nazi Germany
Obama on "redistribution of wealth" and the courts
Obama chooses his friends carefully (includes Marxists)
Obama Compares America to Nazi Germany
Obama on "redistribution of wealth" and the courts
Obama chooses his friends carefully (includes Marxists)
Joe Biden gaffes (only a few)
Biden's comment on Indian-Americans:
Biden brags that Delaware was a slave state:
Biden appears drunk talking to Pennsylvania voters:
John "McClane"?
Joe Biden drunk singing "The Villages" theme:
And, the best gaffe in Joe's career: "Stand up for Chuck!" (state senator in a wheelchair)
Biden brags that Delaware was a slave state:
Biden appears drunk talking to Pennsylvania voters:
John "McClane"?
Joe Biden drunk singing "The Villages" theme:
And, the best gaffe in Joe's career: "Stand up for Chuck!" (state senator in a wheelchair)
Double Standard? LA Times released Schwarzenegger tape in '06
The Los Angeles Times released a tape of California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger in 2006.
This tape was full of candid comments by the governor and his aids talking about members of the state legislature and their looks. The Times had no problem releasing this tape, but when it comes to Barack Obama, they must protect him.
Here is an excerpt from the Sept. 8, 2006 LA Times article:
On the recording, Schwarzenegger’s Democratic chief of staff, Susan Kennedy, says Assembly Republican leader George Plescia of San Diego resembles a startled deer. That draws a chuckle from the Republican governor, who a moment earlier had referred to Plescia’s predecessor, Assemblyman Kevin McCarthy, as “Bakersfield boy.”
But Kennedy offers praise for Assemblywoman Bonnie Garcia, the lone Latina Republican in the Legislature. The governor and Kennedy debate her ethnicity, and Schwarzenegger opines that whether she is Cuban or Puerto Rican doesn’t matter much.
“I mean, they are all very hot,” the governor says. “They have the, you know, part of the black blood in them and part of the Latino blood in them that together makes it.”
He goes on to recall a former weightlifter and competitor, Cuban-born Sergio Oliva. “He was like that,” Schwarzenegger says.
Garcia and McCarthy called the conversation irrelevant, even funny, when contacted by The Times on Thursday. Plescia had no comment.
Now, news organizations can and should protect their sources as the Times has said, but is there a double-standard?
If you would like to read this article click the link below:
Gov's Candid Moments Caught on Tape (LA Times)
This tape was full of candid comments by the governor and his aids talking about members of the state legislature and their looks. The Times had no problem releasing this tape, but when it comes to Barack Obama, they must protect him.
Here is an excerpt from the Sept. 8, 2006 LA Times article:
On the recording, Schwarzenegger’s Democratic chief of staff, Susan Kennedy, says Assembly Republican leader George Plescia of San Diego resembles a startled deer. That draws a chuckle from the Republican governor, who a moment earlier had referred to Plescia’s predecessor, Assemblyman Kevin McCarthy, as “Bakersfield boy.”
But Kennedy offers praise for Assemblywoman Bonnie Garcia, the lone Latina Republican in the Legislature. The governor and Kennedy debate her ethnicity, and Schwarzenegger opines that whether she is Cuban or Puerto Rican doesn’t matter much.
“I mean, they are all very hot,” the governor says. “They have the, you know, part of the black blood in them and part of the Latino blood in them that together makes it.”
He goes on to recall a former weightlifter and competitor, Cuban-born Sergio Oliva. “He was like that,” Schwarzenegger says.
Garcia and McCarthy called the conversation irrelevant, even funny, when contacted by The Times on Thursday. Plescia had no comment.
Now, news organizations can and should protect their sources as the Times has said, but is there a double-standard?
If you would like to read this article click the link below:
Gov's Candid Moments Caught on Tape (LA Times)
Obama shows up late for work
On numerous occasions, Barack Obama showed up late for U.S. Senate hearings. Below is a video showing his tardiness:
Obama jokes about Communism
Is this a sign? Is this Barack Obama admitting to being a Communist? We all know that he is a Socialist. All of his plans relate to socialistic ideals.
Here is Obama today:
Here is Obama today:
Palestinians want Obama as president
Palestine wants Israel wiped off the map. Palestinians want Barack Obama as the next President of the United States. I wonder why? Really. Why is this even a question. American Jews better wake up and vote to save Zionism.
Biden: If you make over $150,000, you are rich
Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden now says that people who make over $150,000 per year are rich. Wow. So that must make Biden a very rich, rich, rich, rich, rich man. People making around $200,000 per year struggle to sent their kids to college. Come on. Most of America's working families make around $100,000 per year. So that makes most of America, well, umm, rich.
Biden and Barack Obama are preaching SOCIALISM to the highest extent now.
Here's video proof:
Biden and Barack Obama are preaching SOCIALISM to the highest extent now.
Here's video proof:
Barack Obama IS A SOCIALIST (to put it mildly)
Barack Obama's "spread the wealth" quote to Joe the plumber is nothing new. He's been for "spreading the wealth" since at least 2001 if not before.
Obama talks to Chicago Public Radio about his socialist plan:
Obama admits that the Constitution is flawed:
Obama talks to Chicago Public Radio about his socialist plan:
Obama admits that the Constitution is flawed:
Election of Obama may force Dolphins' owner to sell
This article below is from the South Florida Sun-Sentinel
Wayne Huizenga may rush sale of Dolphins for fear of Barack Obama raising taxes
Obama campaign disputes figures
By Sarah Talalay | South Florida Sun-Sentinel
8:24 PM EDT, October 27, 2008
Dolphins owner H. Wayne Huizenga said Sunday no date has been set for selling up to 45 percent more of the team to Stephen Ross, but the presidential election is among the issues weighing on his decision.
That's because a Barack Obama administration is expected to mean higher capital-gains taxes.
"He wants to double the capital gains tax, or almost double it," Huizenga said.
Ross purchased 50 percent of the team and Dolphin Stadium for $550 million earlier this year with the intention he would eventually become majority owner. NFL owners approved the eventual transfer this month, meaning it can take place anytime.
"If you do it this year or you do it next year, the difference is humongous because of the taxes," Huizenga said.
But the Obama campaign disputed Huizenga's figures on Monday, saying the candidate's plans are to raise the capital gains tax maximum from 15 percent to 20 percent -- a 33 percent increase, not double. And the top rate would be for families earning more than $250,000 or individuals earning more than $200,000.
"Mr. Huizenga is wrong about Senator Obama's tax plan, which calls for a maximum capital-gains rate of 20 percent -- a third lower than the rate that President Reagan set in 1986," said Bobby Gravitz, Obama campaign South Florida spokesman. "Furthermore, Senator Obama's tax cut for 95 percent of working families will mean a whole lot of Dolfans will be better able to afford those ever-rising ticket prices."
Regardless of when he sells, Huizenga vows to maintain a 5-percent stake in the team.
"It's been 19 years and after 19 years, it's kind of time," he said. "I don't want to be one of those owners who gets real old and hangs in there, we know some of those stories already, I don't want to be one of those guys."
Wayne Huizenga may rush sale of Dolphins for fear of Barack Obama raising taxes
Obama campaign disputes figures
By Sarah Talalay | South Florida Sun-Sentinel
8:24 PM EDT, October 27, 2008
Dolphins owner H. Wayne Huizenga said Sunday no date has been set for selling up to 45 percent more of the team to Stephen Ross, but the presidential election is among the issues weighing on his decision.
That's because a Barack Obama administration is expected to mean higher capital-gains taxes.
"He wants to double the capital gains tax, or almost double it," Huizenga said.
Ross purchased 50 percent of the team and Dolphin Stadium for $550 million earlier this year with the intention he would eventually become majority owner. NFL owners approved the eventual transfer this month, meaning it can take place anytime.
"If you do it this year or you do it next year, the difference is humongous because of the taxes," Huizenga said.
But the Obama campaign disputed Huizenga's figures on Monday, saying the candidate's plans are to raise the capital gains tax maximum from 15 percent to 20 percent -- a 33 percent increase, not double. And the top rate would be for families earning more than $250,000 or individuals earning more than $200,000.
"Mr. Huizenga is wrong about Senator Obama's tax plan, which calls for a maximum capital-gains rate of 20 percent -- a third lower than the rate that President Reagan set in 1986," said Bobby Gravitz, Obama campaign South Florida spokesman. "Furthermore, Senator Obama's tax cut for 95 percent of working families will mean a whole lot of Dolfans will be better able to afford those ever-rising ticket prices."
Regardless of when he sells, Huizenga vows to maintain a 5-percent stake in the team.
"It's been 19 years and after 19 years, it's kind of time," he said. "I don't want to be one of those owners who gets real old and hangs in there, we know some of those stories already, I don't want to be one of those guys."
Why wont LA Times release Obama tape?
The Los Angeles Times is practically gloating that they have a recording of Barack Obama, but they wont release it. Why? Well, the Los Angeles Times endorsed Barack Obama for president. That could be an answer. Another could be that they can't risk hurting "the messiah's" image.
So, what is in this tape? Obama was at party saying farewell to Rashid Khalidi who is a critic of Israel. There was bashing of Zionism at this party. Bill Ayers may have been at this party as well.
Jews better know the facts before voting for Obama. At this party, the people there were looking for the end of Israel.
Why won't the Los Angeles Times release it? Is this "yellow journalism" of 2008? Is there a motive?
Below are two stories, one is the LA Times article and the other is a Fox News article:
LA Times
Fox News
So, what is in this tape? Obama was at party saying farewell to Rashid Khalidi who is a critic of Israel. There was bashing of Zionism at this party. Bill Ayers may have been at this party as well.
Jews better know the facts before voting for Obama. At this party, the people there were looking for the end of Israel.
Why won't the Los Angeles Times release it? Is this "yellow journalism" of 2008? Is there a motive?
Below are two stories, one is the LA Times article and the other is a Fox News article:
LA Times
Fox News
Updated List on Presidential Newspaper Endorsements
Click here to read the newspapers that are endorsing Barack Obama and John McCain.
The 10 largest newspapers and their endorsements as of Oct. 28 are below:
USA Today - Not yet endorsed and did not endorse in 2004
The Wall Street Journal - Not yet endorsed and did not endorse in 2004
The New York Times - Barack Obama
Los Angeles Times - Barack Obama
(New York) Daily News - Barack Obama
New York Post - John McCain
The Washington Post - Barack Obama
Chicago Tribune - Barack Obama
Houston Chronicle - Barack Obama
The Arizona Republic - John McCain
6- Obama, 2- McCain (of the top 10)
The 10 largest newspapers and their endorsements as of Oct. 28 are below:
USA Today - Not yet endorsed and did not endorse in 2004
The Wall Street Journal - Not yet endorsed and did not endorse in 2004
The New York Times - Barack Obama
Los Angeles Times - Barack Obama
(New York) Daily News - Barack Obama
New York Post - John McCain
The Washington Post - Barack Obama
Chicago Tribune - Barack Obama
Houston Chronicle - Barack Obama
The Arizona Republic - John McCain
6- Obama, 2- McCain (of the top 10)
Oh boy, McCain within 2 points of Obama in Gallup Poll
The Gallup Traditional Likely Voters polls now has Barack Obama leading John McCain 49 percent to 47 percent. This political race is not over yet. Obama says its over because of his enormous ego, but McCain may win. I hope.
Link to Gallup Poll
Link to Gallup Poll
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Chris Dodd talks about himself, but never says his own name
Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn., made this financial crisis happen. He received money from Fannie May and Freddie Mac, in fact, the most money to any congressman. Dodd, the chairman of the Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs Committee, blames congress for this crisis, but never blames himself. He knew this was happening but he refused to do anything about it because of his checks from these firms.
Dodd is an idiot and here is the video below to prove it.
Dodd is an idiot and here is the video below to prove it.
Castro's take on Obama, American politics
Fidel Castro, the former dictator of Cuba and the brother of the current dictator, has endorsed Barack Obama and is now agreeing with the American Democratic Party by saying that the people who are not voting for Obama are racists. Below is an AP article about Castro's opinion.
From the Associated Press via Yahoo! News
HAVANA - Fidel Castro says a "profound racism" in the United States will stop millions from voting for Barack Obama in next month's presidential election.
The ailing, 82-year-old former Cuban president says it is "a miracle that the Democratic candidate hasn't suffered the same luck as (assassinated leaders) Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and others who harbored dreams of equality and justice."
Castro's written comments were published by state media Saturday. In them, he insists a "profound racism" exists in the U.S. and that millions of whites "cannot reconcile themselves to the idea that a black person ... could occupy the White House, which is called just that: white."
Castro also described Republican presidential candidate John McCain as "bellicose."
From the Associated Press via Yahoo! News
HAVANA - Fidel Castro says a "profound racism" in the United States will stop millions from voting for Barack Obama in next month's presidential election.
The ailing, 82-year-old former Cuban president says it is "a miracle that the Democratic candidate hasn't suffered the same luck as (assassinated leaders) Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and others who harbored dreams of equality and justice."
Castro's written comments were published by state media Saturday. In them, he insists a "profound racism" exists in the U.S. and that millions of whites "cannot reconcile themselves to the idea that a black person ... could occupy the White House, which is called just that: white."
Castro also described Republican presidential candidate John McCain as "bellicose."
U.S. Communist party says their time has come
Courtesy of AFP News Service and Yahoo! News
by Paola Messana
Tue Oct 14, 10:07 PM ET
NEW YORK (AFP) - A rare bird in the political world, the US Communist Party is feeling rather smug in these days of capitalist turmoil.
At the party's New York headquarters on 23rd Street in Manhattan, regional party chairman Libero Della Piana, 36, laid out why he thinks Marxist-Leninism's time has finally come.
"We are very excited, we feel that we are at a turning point," Della Piana, an imposing half-Italian, half-African American with a pony tail, told AFP.
"We can afford to be less on the defensive for the first time since Ronald Reagan, and we can say our word in rebuilding America on a new basis, rebuilding a better world, instead of one based on the greed of the few."
The US Communist Party was founded in 1919 and never really took off. It was ostracized during the Cold War and members faced discrimination, even firing from their work, during the anti-Communist drive of the 1950s.
Today, the party claims to have 3,000 to 3,500 members -- seemingly not a threat to the giant Democratic and Republican parties contesting next month's White House election.
But American communists think that the collapse of Wall Street and huge disillusionment among the public with the economy has put them on a roll.
"We receive more and more phone calls, we have more inquiries from people, we see an increase in interest," Della Piana said. "We hope to be part of the discussion. I can see a role for the Communist Party in this next period."
"The crisis' number one lesson: the market cannot regulate itself," he said. "Otherwise it goes out of control."
Communist youth coordinator Erica Smiley, 28, said "the major issues for the young are: peace, jobs, health care, education, and we provide them with answers."
Whether the communists will be able to deliver remains open to question.
One plus is that their recently renovated New York headquarters, featuring the obligatory tomes of Lenin and Marx, is prime real estate -- a serious and very capitalist nest egg.
But few people were about during a visit by AFP on Monday and the atmosphere was collegial and slightly sleepy, rather than revolutionary.
"They are all out working to get people to vote," explained Bill Davis, 65, who has been a faithful member for 37 years.
There is no communist running for the White House and the Communist Party does not endorse Democrat Barack Obama.
Yet many staff here wore his picture on lapel buttons, while Republican John McCain was relegated to a box of tissues -- the tissues being pulled through his mouth.
by Paola Messana
Tue Oct 14, 10:07 PM ET
NEW YORK (AFP) - A rare bird in the political world, the US Communist Party is feeling rather smug in these days of capitalist turmoil.
At the party's New York headquarters on 23rd Street in Manhattan, regional party chairman Libero Della Piana, 36, laid out why he thinks Marxist-Leninism's time has finally come.
"We are very excited, we feel that we are at a turning point," Della Piana, an imposing half-Italian, half-African American with a pony tail, told AFP.
"We can afford to be less on the defensive for the first time since Ronald Reagan, and we can say our word in rebuilding America on a new basis, rebuilding a better world, instead of one based on the greed of the few."
The US Communist Party was founded in 1919 and never really took off. It was ostracized during the Cold War and members faced discrimination, even firing from their work, during the anti-Communist drive of the 1950s.
Today, the party claims to have 3,000 to 3,500 members -- seemingly not a threat to the giant Democratic and Republican parties contesting next month's White House election.
But American communists think that the collapse of Wall Street and huge disillusionment among the public with the economy has put them on a roll.
"We receive more and more phone calls, we have more inquiries from people, we see an increase in interest," Della Piana said. "We hope to be part of the discussion. I can see a role for the Communist Party in this next period."
"The crisis' number one lesson: the market cannot regulate itself," he said. "Otherwise it goes out of control."
Communist youth coordinator Erica Smiley, 28, said "the major issues for the young are: peace, jobs, health care, education, and we provide them with answers."
Whether the communists will be able to deliver remains open to question.
One plus is that their recently renovated New York headquarters, featuring the obligatory tomes of Lenin and Marx, is prime real estate -- a serious and very capitalist nest egg.
But few people were about during a visit by AFP on Monday and the atmosphere was collegial and slightly sleepy, rather than revolutionary.
"They are all out working to get people to vote," explained Bill Davis, 65, who has been a faithful member for 37 years.
There is no communist running for the White House and the Communist Party does not endorse Democrat Barack Obama.
Yet many staff here wore his picture on lapel buttons, while Republican John McCain was relegated to a box of tissues -- the tissues being pulled through his mouth.
Obama to have victory party in Chicago's Grant Park
The messiah and citizen of the world, the most merciful Barack Obama is used to large venues for victory speeches. After all, he moved the Democratic National Convention from Denver's Pepsi Center to Invesco Field at Mile High because of his Hindenburg-sized ego.
On election night he will celebrate at Huchinson Field in Chicago's Grant Park. This site has been host to the pope 30 years ago.
Article from CBS2 Chicago
On election night he will celebrate at Huchinson Field in Chicago's Grant Park. This site has been host to the pope 30 years ago.
Article from CBS2 Chicago
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
"That's not true."
If Sen. John McCain said during the debate that the grass is green, Sen. Barack Obama would reply saying, "That's not true."
Here is the debate in a nutshell with the response from Obama:
McCain says that Obama's campaign was launched at Bill Ayers' living room: "That's not true."
McCain says Obama's tax plan is socialism: "That's not true."
McCain says that Obama is for killing babies after a failed abortion: "That's not true."
All the statements above are true and anybody who has access to a respectable newspaper or to the internet can see for themselves that these statements are true.
Here is the debate in a nutshell with the response from Obama:
McCain says that Obama's campaign was launched at Bill Ayers' living room: "That's not true."
McCain says Obama's tax plan is socialism: "That's not true."
McCain says that Obama is for killing babies after a failed abortion: "That's not true."
All the statements above are true and anybody who has access to a respectable newspaper or to the internet can see for themselves that these statements are true.
Pennsylvania's U.S. Rep. Murtha calls his state racist
U.S. Rep. John Murtha, D-12th District, is calling his home district in western Pennsylvania racist. Does this man deserve to be re-elected with views such as this? No. If anyone is a racist, it is John Murtha. This man is full of himself. This man has been in the U.S. House for 17 terms and it is time for him to lose his seat and to become a better human being.
Here is what Murtha said to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: "There is no question that western Pennsylvania is a racist area."
He claims that his portion of the state is racist, yet he also says Barack Obama will still win Pennsylvania.
So, with the logic of most Democrats as I have seen, if you do not vote for Barack Obama you are a racist. I am tired of this. All the liberals do is make people feel guilty, that is how they get power. They have no plans, no future, all they do is make voters feel guilty and then do their best to make the America we all love a socialist country.
The reason why liberals hated Ronald Reagan is because he was the man responsible for the fall of the Soviet Union. Liberals loved the Soviet Union and they want it to come back through Barack Obama. This is not about racism, it is about economic freedom (capitalism) versus the government owning businesses (socialism, um, actually, communism).
Karl Marx may make his return in November. And, don't feel guilty if you don't vote for Obama.
Here is what Murtha said to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: "There is no question that western Pennsylvania is a racist area."
He claims that his portion of the state is racist, yet he also says Barack Obama will still win Pennsylvania.
So, with the logic of most Democrats as I have seen, if you do not vote for Barack Obama you are a racist. I am tired of this. All the liberals do is make people feel guilty, that is how they get power. They have no plans, no future, all they do is make voters feel guilty and then do their best to make the America we all love a socialist country.
The reason why liberals hated Ronald Reagan is because he was the man responsible for the fall of the Soviet Union. Liberals loved the Soviet Union and they want it to come back through Barack Obama. This is not about racism, it is about economic freedom (capitalism) versus the government owning businesses (socialism, um, actually, communism).
Karl Marx may make his return in November. And, don't feel guilty if you don't vote for Obama.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Obama's plan is to "spread the wealth around"
Watch the clip below to hear Barack Obama talk about socialism to a tax-burdened plumber in Ohio.
Video from Fox News about plumber
Video from Fox News about plumber
US House scandal in Florida again, this time it's the "nice guy" Democrat
Rep. Tim Mahoney, D-Florida, the man who took Republican Rep. Mark Foley's job in 2006 has had a scandal of his own. In 2006, Mahoney pledged to be more moral than Foley. Foley's problem was that he sent inappropriate emails to teenage males in the House Paige program. For, Mahoney, he began an affair in 2006 with a mistress. He has reportedly paid off his mistress $121,000 after she threatened to sue him when he tried to fire her a staff position.
Remember the uproar with Foley in 2006? Where is that same criticism with Mahoney in 2008? House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has been trying to protect Mahoney. This could and should cost Mahoney's seat in the November election.
Below are two articles about Mahoney and his mistress:
ABC News
The Wall Street Journal
Pelosi statement on Mahoney affair
Remember the uproar with Foley in 2006? Where is that same criticism with Mahoney in 2008? House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has been trying to protect Mahoney. This could and should cost Mahoney's seat in the November election.
Below are two articles about Mahoney and his mistress:
ABC News
The Wall Street Journal
Pelosi statement on Mahoney affair
ACORN registers Mickey Mouse in Florida
ACORN tries to register Mickey Mouse to vote in Florida. Click the link below to read the story.
St. Petersburg Times article
Picture is courtesy of the St. Petersburg Times.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Economy isn't hurting Obama: Campaign pays nearly $2 million for NBC and CBS primetime ads
Courtesy of The Hollywood Reporter (
By Paul J. Gough
Oct 10, 2008, 12:30 PM ET
Updated: Oct 10, 2008, 01:08 PM ET
NEW YORK -- Barack Obama will pay NBC and CBS almost $1 million each for the campaign's half-hour ad buy in primetime Wednesday, Oct. 29, less than a week before the election.
According to papers available at CBS's headquarters in New York, the campaign agreed Monday to pay $961,000 for the entire 8-8:30 pm time period. It wasn't clear whether that was in pattern, meaning it would run across all time zones at that period.
NBC will sell Obama the half-hour time buy for $891,250 gross and $775,000 net, according to documents from NBC available at its 30 Rock headquarters.
The agreed-upon prices are not what it would cost an average advertiser for a half-hour time buy, which are extremely rare in broadcast network primetime anyway. They are the so-called "lowest unit cost" that is required under federal law.
The campaign's ad buyer GMMB of Washington, D.C., first approached CBS as well as NBC, ABC and Fox for half-hour time buys on Thursday, Oct. 30, Sunday, Nov. 2 and Monday, Nov. 3 -- the latter just one day before the election. But Sunday's "roadblock" of ads had been deemed unworkable due to NFL football on NBC during primetime and possibly late-running games on both CBS and Fox.
The Thursday and Sunday buys would have been more costly, with CBS quoting the campaign a lowest unit cost of $1.5 million for 8-8:30 pm and $1.8 million for 8:30-9 pm. On Sept. 25, a CBS internal communication suggested that the campaign wasn't interested "as of now" in the Thursday spot.
The Obama campaign declined to provide other details other than to say that it had bought time on CBS and was negotiating with other networks.
There was no comment from the McCain campaign. The Hollywood Reporter broke the news regarding the ad buys on Thursday.
By Paul J. Gough
Oct 10, 2008, 12:30 PM ET
Updated: Oct 10, 2008, 01:08 PM ET
NEW YORK -- Barack Obama will pay NBC and CBS almost $1 million each for the campaign's half-hour ad buy in primetime Wednesday, Oct. 29, less than a week before the election.
According to papers available at CBS's headquarters in New York, the campaign agreed Monday to pay $961,000 for the entire 8-8:30 pm time period. It wasn't clear whether that was in pattern, meaning it would run across all time zones at that period.
NBC will sell Obama the half-hour time buy for $891,250 gross and $775,000 net, according to documents from NBC available at its 30 Rock headquarters.
The agreed-upon prices are not what it would cost an average advertiser for a half-hour time buy, which are extremely rare in broadcast network primetime anyway. They are the so-called "lowest unit cost" that is required under federal law.
The campaign's ad buyer GMMB of Washington, D.C., first approached CBS as well as NBC, ABC and Fox for half-hour time buys on Thursday, Oct. 30, Sunday, Nov. 2 and Monday, Nov. 3 -- the latter just one day before the election. But Sunday's "roadblock" of ads had been deemed unworkable due to NFL football on NBC during primetime and possibly late-running games on both CBS and Fox.
The Thursday and Sunday buys would have been more costly, with CBS quoting the campaign a lowest unit cost of $1.5 million for 8-8:30 pm and $1.8 million for 8:30-9 pm. On Sept. 25, a CBS internal communication suggested that the campaign wasn't interested "as of now" in the Thursday spot.
The Obama campaign declined to provide other details other than to say that it had bought time on CBS and was negotiating with other networks.
There was no comment from the McCain campaign. The Hollywood Reporter broke the news regarding the ad buys on Thursday.
Friday, October 10, 2008
"Dead People" found on voter rolls in Houston
Link to KPRC-2 Houston's article and video package of 4.000 dead voters on voting rolls in Houston.
CLICK HERE for article and broadcast story
CLICK HERE for article and broadcast story
ACORN bribes man to register to vote 72 times, paid in cash and cigarettes
The ACORN stories continue. This is from today's (Oct 10) New York Post.
Link to article.
By JEANE MacINTOSH Post Correspondent
CLEVELAND - A man at the center of a voter-registration scandal told The Post yesterday he was given cash and cigarettes by aggressive ACORN activists in exchange for registering an astonishing 72 times, in apparent violation of Ohio laws.
"Sometimes, they come up and bribe me with a cigarette, or they'll give me a dollar to sign up," said Freddie Johnson, 19, who filled out 72 separate voter-registration cards over an 18-month period at the behest of the left-leaning Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now.
"The ACORN people are everywhere, looking to sign people up. I tell them I am already registered. The girl said, 'You are?' I say, 'Yup,' and then they say, 'Can you just sign up again?' " he said.
Johnson used the same information on all of his registration cards, and officials say they usually catch and toss out duplicate registrations. But the practice sparks fear that some multiple registrants could provide different information and vote more than once by absentee ballot.
ACORN is under investigation in Ohio and at least eight other states - including Missouri, where the FBI said it's planning to look into potential voter fraud - for over-the-top efforts to get as many names as possible on the voter rolls regardless of whether a person is registered or eligible.
It's even under investigation in Bridgeport, Conn., for allegedly registering a 7-year-old girl to vote, according to the State Elections Enforcement Commission.
Meanwhile, a federal judge yesterday ordered Ohio's Secretary of State to verify the identity of newly registered voters by matching them with other government documents. The order was in response to a Republican lawsuit unrelated to the ACORN probe in Cuyahoga County, in which at least three people, including Johnson, have been subpoenaed.
Bribing citizens with gifts, property or anything of value is a fourth-degree felony in Ohio, punishable by up to 18 months in prison. And it's a fifth-degree felony - punishable by 12 months in jail - for a person to pay "compensation on a fee-per-registration" system when signing up someone to vote.
Johnson, who works at a cellphone kiosk in downtown Cleveland, said he was a sitting duck for the signature hunters, but was always happy to help them out in exchange for a smoke or a little scratch. He'd collected 10 to 20 cigarettes and anywhere from $10 to $15, he said.
The Cleveland voting probe, first reported by The Post yesterday, also focused on Lateala Goins, who said she put her name on multiple voter registrations. She guessed ACORN canvassers then put fake addresses on them. "You can tell them you're registered as many times as you want - they do not care," she said.
ACORN spokesman Kris Harsh said the group does not tolerate its workers paying people to sign the voter-registration cards.
ACORN's political wing has endorsed Barack Obama for president, but Ben LaBolt, a spokesman for the Obama campaign in Ohio, said ACORN has no role in its get-out-the-vote drive.
During the primary season, however, the Obama camp paid another group, Citizen Service Inc., $832,598 for various political services, according to Federal Elections Commission filings. That group and ACORN share the same board of directors.
In Wisconsin yesterday, John McCain blasted ACORN.
"No one should be corrupting the most precious right we have, that is the right to vote," he said.
It's a right Johnson will exercise. "Yeah, I've registered enough - I might as well vote."
Article courtesy of:
Link to article.
By JEANE MacINTOSH Post Correspondent
CLEVELAND - A man at the center of a voter-registration scandal told The Post yesterday he was given cash and cigarettes by aggressive ACORN activists in exchange for registering an astonishing 72 times, in apparent violation of Ohio laws.
"Sometimes, they come up and bribe me with a cigarette, or they'll give me a dollar to sign up," said Freddie Johnson, 19, who filled out 72 separate voter-registration cards over an 18-month period at the behest of the left-leaning Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now.
"The ACORN people are everywhere, looking to sign people up. I tell them I am already registered. The girl said, 'You are?' I say, 'Yup,' and then they say, 'Can you just sign up again?' " he said.
Johnson used the same information on all of his registration cards, and officials say they usually catch and toss out duplicate registrations. But the practice sparks fear that some multiple registrants could provide different information and vote more than once by absentee ballot.
ACORN is under investigation in Ohio and at least eight other states - including Missouri, where the FBI said it's planning to look into potential voter fraud - for over-the-top efforts to get as many names as possible on the voter rolls regardless of whether a person is registered or eligible.
It's even under investigation in Bridgeport, Conn., for allegedly registering a 7-year-old girl to vote, according to the State Elections Enforcement Commission.
Meanwhile, a federal judge yesterday ordered Ohio's Secretary of State to verify the identity of newly registered voters by matching them with other government documents. The order was in response to a Republican lawsuit unrelated to the ACORN probe in Cuyahoga County, in which at least three people, including Johnson, have been subpoenaed.
Bribing citizens with gifts, property or anything of value is a fourth-degree felony in Ohio, punishable by up to 18 months in prison. And it's a fifth-degree felony - punishable by 12 months in jail - for a person to pay "compensation on a fee-per-registration" system when signing up someone to vote.
Johnson, who works at a cellphone kiosk in downtown Cleveland, said he was a sitting duck for the signature hunters, but was always happy to help them out in exchange for a smoke or a little scratch. He'd collected 10 to 20 cigarettes and anywhere from $10 to $15, he said.
The Cleveland voting probe, first reported by The Post yesterday, also focused on Lateala Goins, who said she put her name on multiple voter registrations. She guessed ACORN canvassers then put fake addresses on them. "You can tell them you're registered as many times as you want - they do not care," she said.
ACORN spokesman Kris Harsh said the group does not tolerate its workers paying people to sign the voter-registration cards.
ACORN's political wing has endorsed Barack Obama for president, but Ben LaBolt, a spokesman for the Obama campaign in Ohio, said ACORN has no role in its get-out-the-vote drive.
During the primary season, however, the Obama camp paid another group, Citizen Service Inc., $832,598 for various political services, according to Federal Elections Commission filings. That group and ACORN share the same board of directors.
In Wisconsin yesterday, John McCain blasted ACORN.
"No one should be corrupting the most precious right we have, that is the right to vote," he said.
It's a right Johnson will exercise. "Yeah, I've registered enough - I might as well vote."
Article courtesy of:
Carter blames Bush on Crisis, he takes no blame
Former President Jimmy Carter thinks that his four-years in office were all rainbows and unicorns. Apparently he had no connection to the oil crisis and to sub-prime mortgage.
Below is a Reuters article:
Ex-president Carter slams Bush on market crisis
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Former President Jimmy Carter said on Friday the "atrocious economic policies" of the Bush administration had caused the worst global financial crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s.
Carter told reporters on a stopover in Brussels that "profligate spending," massive borrowing and dramatic tax cuts since President George W. Bush took office in 2001 were behind the market turmoil and economic crisis.
"I think it's because of the atrocious economic policies of the Bush administration," said the 84-year-old Democrat, who served in the White House from 1977-1981 during a period of high inflation and energy crisis.
Whoever wins next month's U.S. presidential election would inherit economic problems that would force them to postpone implementing some of their proposed reforms, he said.
"The economic situation is an entrenched problem. It is going to take years to correct what has been done economically," Carter said, adding he hoped Democrat Barrack Obama would win and immediately improve Washington's image in the world.
Eight years ago, the United States had a budget surplus, low inflation and a stable, strong economy, he said.
Carter said he was astonished that the United States now owed China "in the neighborhood of $1 trillion."
Deregulation and what he called a withdrawal of supervision of Wall Street had encouraged irresponsible elements in the U.S. financial system, enabling banks to borrow 30 times their value.
Carter was on his way back from a private peace mission to Cyprus with fellow elder statesmen Lakhdar Brahimi of Algeria and Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa, intended to give a push to talks between the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot leaders on a settlement to reunite the divided island.
(Reporting by Paul Taylor; editing by Sami Aboudi)
Below is a Reuters article:
Ex-president Carter slams Bush on market crisis
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Former President Jimmy Carter said on Friday the "atrocious economic policies" of the Bush administration had caused the worst global financial crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s.
Carter told reporters on a stopover in Brussels that "profligate spending," massive borrowing and dramatic tax cuts since President George W. Bush took office in 2001 were behind the market turmoil and economic crisis.
"I think it's because of the atrocious economic policies of the Bush administration," said the 84-year-old Democrat, who served in the White House from 1977-1981 during a period of high inflation and energy crisis.
Whoever wins next month's U.S. presidential election would inherit economic problems that would force them to postpone implementing some of their proposed reforms, he said.
"The economic situation is an entrenched problem. It is going to take years to correct what has been done economically," Carter said, adding he hoped Democrat Barrack Obama would win and immediately improve Washington's image in the world.
Eight years ago, the United States had a budget surplus, low inflation and a stable, strong economy, he said.
Carter said he was astonished that the United States now owed China "in the neighborhood of $1 trillion."
Deregulation and what he called a withdrawal of supervision of Wall Street had encouraged irresponsible elements in the U.S. financial system, enabling banks to borrow 30 times their value.
Carter was on his way back from a private peace mission to Cyprus with fellow elder statesmen Lakhdar Brahimi of Algeria and Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa, intended to give a push to talks between the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot leaders on a settlement to reunite the divided island.
(Reporting by Paul Taylor; editing by Sami Aboudi)
Farrakhan: The Messiah is absolutely speaking
Louis Farrakhan, the supreme leader of the Nation of Islam and close friend of Barack Obama, says Obama is the messiah of the youth, especially the black youth.
"You are the instruments that God is going to use to bring about universal change, and that is why Barack has captured the youth. And he has involved young people in a political process that they didn't care anything about. That's a sign. When the Messiah speaks, the youth will hear, and the Messiah is absolutely speaking."---Louis Farrakhan
"You are the instruments that God is going to use to bring about universal change, and that is why Barack has captured the youth. And he has involved young people in a political process that they didn't care anything about. That's a sign. When the Messiah speaks, the youth will hear, and the Messiah is absolutely speaking."---Louis Farrakhan
Thursday, October 9, 2008
McCain ad: Ayers
John McCain's new television ad about Barack Obama's relationship with his friend Bill Ayers.
Obama purchases half-hour of network primetime
The messiah, Obama, Obama has purchased television time similar to Ross Perot in 1992. He will run an ad on Oct. 26 at 8 p.m. on CBS and NBC.
He will do anything to brainwash unsure voters into voting for him.
Link to Article about Announcement
He will do anything to brainwash unsure voters into voting for him.
Link to Article about Announcement
Dow continues to fall
The Dow Jones Industrial Average continues to be in a free-fall. The Dow has lost 40 percent of its value since last year's high above 14,000 points. General Motors and Ford Motor Company are on watch. GM should be fine, but Ford may be facing a bankruptcy. Hopefully, both companies get through this.
The Dow graph is courtesy of Bloomberg.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Dow tanks after House votes in favor of "Socialist" Bailout Bill
The Dow Jones Industrial Average opened today at 10,483.96 and got as high as 10,796.26 just before the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Bailout bill. From then on to President Bush signing the bill to the end of the trading day it fell and fell and kept falling. It closed at 10.325.38 after falling to 10,310.25 near the closing bell. The Dow Jones only fell -157.47 points on the day but from its high of the day it fell 470 points.
This says how much Wall Street approves of this bill. Yesterday, the Senate approved the bill and Barack Obama, Joe Biden and John McCain approved of the bill. No surprise with Obama and Biden because of their socialist views. Then today the House voted for it 263-171.
What is in this 451-page bill? How much pork is in it?
In other news, Wachovia was taken over by Wells-Fargo. And, National City Bank almost was added to the FDIC failed bank list.
What a happy day this was! Congress and the president just put a band-aid on what is actually internal bleeding.
Here is how the Indiana congressmen voted today:
In favor of bill: Andre Carson (D), Joe Donnelly (D), Brad Ellsworth (D) and Mark Souder (R)
Against the bill: Baron Hill (D), Pete Visclosky (D), Dan Burton (R), Steve Buyer (R) and Mike Pence (R)
In my opinion, Carson, Donnelly, Ellsworth and Souder should not be invited back to Washington on Nov. 4. Vote them out!
This says how much Wall Street approves of this bill. Yesterday, the Senate approved the bill and Barack Obama, Joe Biden and John McCain approved of the bill. No surprise with Obama and Biden because of their socialist views. Then today the House voted for it 263-171.
What is in this 451-page bill? How much pork is in it?
In other news, Wachovia was taken over by Wells-Fargo. And, National City Bank almost was added to the FDIC failed bank list.
What a happy day this was! Congress and the president just put a band-aid on what is actually internal bleeding.
Here is how the Indiana congressmen voted today:
In favor of bill: Andre Carson (D), Joe Donnelly (D), Brad Ellsworth (D) and Mark Souder (R)
Against the bill: Baron Hill (D), Pete Visclosky (D), Dan Burton (R), Steve Buyer (R) and Mike Pence (R)
In my opinion, Carson, Donnelly, Ellsworth and Souder should not be invited back to Washington on Nov. 4. Vote them out!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
"Bailout" Bill is now 451 pages
Our government is up to something. What is in the bill? Is it all for a "bailout" or are there earmarks in it. The page length poses many questions.
By the Associated Press
Wed Oct 1, 6:44 PM ET
Two Saturdays ago, it totaled just three pages — the White House's request for $700 billion to rescue tottering financial institutions by buying their devalued mortgage-related assets.
After an intense weekend of negotiations, the draft of the bailout legislation before Congress had swelled to 42 pages.
The following Friday, after almost a week of marathon talks between Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and key lawmakers in both parties, the working version was up to 102 pages. It went down to defeat Monday in the House, mostly at the hands of Republicans.
Once the Senate was finished adding sweeteners Wednesday to entice reluctant House Republicans to change their minds and vote for the bailout, the bill heading for passage had grown to 451 pages.
It was unclear whether it would expand still more as House leaders hunted for the votes needed to clear the bill.
By the Associated Press
Wed Oct 1, 6:44 PM ET
Two Saturdays ago, it totaled just three pages — the White House's request for $700 billion to rescue tottering financial institutions by buying their devalued mortgage-related assets.
After an intense weekend of negotiations, the draft of the bailout legislation before Congress had swelled to 42 pages.
The following Friday, after almost a week of marathon talks between Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and key lawmakers in both parties, the working version was up to 102 pages. It went down to defeat Monday in the House, mostly at the hands of Republicans.
Once the Senate was finished adding sweeteners Wednesday to entice reluctant House Republicans to change their minds and vote for the bailout, the bill heading for passage had grown to 451 pages.
It was unclear whether it would expand still more as House leaders hunted for the votes needed to clear the bill.
Obama buys own Dish Network channel
If you have Dish Network, you have a new channel to turn to. Go and check out channel 73. It's the Barack Obama 24/7 channel with his economic political ads played every two minutes, over and over again. For the Obama worshipers, this is a must watch channel.
And for all the millions of people who do not have Dish Network, this is what you're missing (or actually not, it's on broadcast television as well, but not every two minutes).
And for all the millions of people who do not have Dish Network, this is what you're missing (or actually not, it's on broadcast television as well, but not every two minutes).
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