Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Obama doesn't like black people, prefers "bridge to nowhere"

Remember when Hurricane Katrina destroyed much of New Orleans and everyone blamed President George W. Bush, FEMA and Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco. There was a time when New Orleans' mayor Ray Nagin had some blame, but that all was swept away.

Remember when there was a televised Katrina relief effort where Kanye West said on air that "George Bush doesn't like black people"?

It turns out that the most merciful Barack Obama and his running-mate Joe Biden did not want to help those Katrina victims either.

Wondering what this was about? This bill was to amend the "Bridge to Nowhere" in Alaska. Instead of giving Alaska money, Sen. Tom Coburn proposed shifting earmark funds to Katrina relief. This, gave the senate a second chance to change their vote on this bridge, but it didn't change the minds of the "hope, change and yes, we can" team.

Here are some notables who thought a "bridge to nowhere" was more important than helping the victims in New Orleans:
Barack Obama (D-IL, 2008 Democratic Presidential Nominee), Dick Durbin (D-IL), John Kerry (D-MA, 2004 Dem. Nominee), Ted Kennedy (D-MA), Joe Biden (D-DE, 2008 VP Nominee).

Apparently, Sarah Palin was wrong by being for the "bridge to nowhere" before being against it. And, it was right to be like Obama and Biden to be for the "bridge to nowhere" and then on a second chance still being for the "bridge to nowhere". Yet, the Obama ad says differently. Watch this ad and realize how dumb Obama's campaign really is. Below the YouTube video are links in case you don't believe the facts about Obama's "bridge to nowhere" voting record.

Bridge to Nowhere Links
Chicago Observer: Obama and Biden voted for bridge to nowhere
Washington Post: H R 3058 Vote

Sarah Palin did the right thing. She is NOT Washington as usual.

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