Monday, July 14, 2008

What is America's New Largest Independent Brewery?

By now, you know it is not Anheuser-Busch, Miller or Coors, so what could it be?

Think back to the state that is known for its beer. The state that produced such beers as: Schlitz, Pabst, Miller, Blatz and Old Milwaukee.

The new largest independent brewery is City Brewery of LaCrosse, Wisc.

The Top 10 Largest Breweries in the United States:
# Name City Owner
1. Anheuser-Busch Inc. St. Louis, Mo. InBev
2. Miller Brewing Co. Milwaukee, Wisc. SAB-Miller
3. Coors Brewing Co. Golden, Colo. SAB-Miller
4. Pabst Brewing Co. Chicago, Ill. (fmr. Milwaukee)SAB-Miller
5. City Brewing Co. LaCrosse, Wisc. City Brewing
6. D. G. Yuengling and Son Inc. Pottsville, Penn. Yuengling
7. High Falls Brewing Co. Rochester, N.Y. High Falls
8. Boston Beer Co. Boston, Mass. Boston Beer
9. Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. Chico, Calif. Sierra Nevada
10. Jacob Leinenkugel Brewing Co. Chippewa Falls, Wisc. SAB-Miller

(Source: BeerChurch and by knowing history of each brewery that closed)

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