Thursday, February 5, 2009

Soviet Russia building nuclear reactor in Iran

Soviet Russia is back and better than ever. Well, somewhat. They still have some work to do to become a dominant world power instead of just a regional power. But this is a start.

Russia is building a nuclear reactor in a power plant in Bushehr, Iran. The plan is to have the plant up and running by year's end. But what does this mean? Is this just a ploy to help Iran's making of a nuclear bomb, or is it only for power? It is hard to say.

Russia has made some critical moves to get back to a world power in the past few months. Russia has become closer to Cuba again and sent some Soviet era battle ships to the Caribbean Sea. Now they are helping Iran.

Is the Cold War over? Or, has it just cooled off?

America now has a new president and this president wants to become friends with every country in the world. He wants to become friendly with the Middle East. He wants "world peace." He wants what Jimmy Carter wants. Haha. Carter said that Hamas is just "misunderstood."

International Herald Tribune: Russia to start Iran nuclear power plant by year end

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