Tuesday, March 31, 2009

We need the words of Reagan as we move toward Obama's change

President Obama's "change we can believe in" is SOCIALISM. We know that for sure now. At this time, let's look at the warning from President Reagan. Who will be the next person like Reagan? Will it be too late? The Socialist Party has hijacked the Democratic Party. What can be done? Reagan warned us, but did we listen? I did, did you?

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Why Obama hates Churchill, England

While the world loved during his time and continues to love him today, President Barack Obama does the opposite.

This beloved man was Sir Winston Churchill, who is considered to be the best prime minister in the history of the United Kingdom.

Shortly after taking office, Obama sent back a bust of Churchill to England because he didn't like it in the Oval Office. The British said that Obama could have sent the bust to a museum in the United States, rather than back to the British Isles. Obama still sent the bust to England even after that.

A week ago, U.K. Prime Minister Gordon Brown came to the United States on a visit. Brown gave Obama memoirs of Winston Churchill and some more historical things from England. Obama wasn't too excited to see that gift about Churchill's life. And, as a response to the gift, Obama gave Brown 25 DVDs of American classic movies. This was the cheapest give ever given by an American president to the prime minister of the United Kingdom. These movies could be found at your neighborhood Wal-Mart and at Amazon.com.

The White House and State Department continue to say that the United States will treat every country equally and that the UK is no better than any other country. How can they say that? The U.K. is our best and closest ally. We have been buddies with the British since after the War of 1812 and now Obama wants to change this? But why? Here's why.

Obama's father's side of the family, and maybe himself, are from Kenya. Kenya used to be a part of the British Empire. Really, not just a part, they were the British Empire. Churchill was prime minister during a period of this time.

Obama sees England as imperialists and imperialists are evil. The United States are, or were, imperialists as well when we acquired Puerto Rico, Guam, the Philippines and a few other countries from the Spanish-American War and on, and some would say before too as the U.S. moved to the Pacific coast.

Obama is against imperialism and capitalism. He wants both to fail. He still has that hatred toward England.

Who then will become our closest ally? Cuba? Obama wants to end the trade embargo with Cuba. Well, we'll always have Canada, but wait, Canada is close to the U.K. as well, so that won't work.

So who can it be? Russia?

WSJ: Obama's approval falling below Bush's of 2001

Day by day people realize who President Barack Obama really is, a socialist. And not to mention all of his friends, who are all liars and criminals. The latest is Vivek Kundra who had his office raided by the FBI on Thursday. Kundra is Obama's chief technology adviser.

Today, the Wall Street Journal is reporting with Rasmussen Polls that Obama's approval rating is now below President George W. Bush's before the attacks of 9/11.

The story is below.

Obama's Poll Numbers Are Falling to Earth
Obama appointee on leave after FBI raid, arrests

Communist Maher attacks Breitbart with crone

The Communist Bill Maher who is an athiest and racist and his buddy Michael Eric Dyson, a fellow commie attack values of the American people on "Real Time with Bill Maher."

Listen to the brainwashed audience. Oh, have the mighty have fallen.

What ever happened to the America I grew up in? It's gone. Socialists and Communists have taken over the Democratic Party.

How do people like Bill Maher? I've said enough.

"Maybe we need some Socialism." --Michael Eric Dyson

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

It's been a while, but life gets more surreal

I've been more busy lately doing other things. It's been quite a while. Being in the journalism world, I haven't had my time to vent and here we go.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average is improving, for the time being at least. Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner is still as stupid as before. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi thinks she is queen Pelosi by threatening her private airline, the U.S. Air Force. And we have the messenger of "hope" who has broken every promise he made during the election cycle. The latest is ear marks. Oh, remember his promise to get a dog from a shelter? That was broken too. Big or small, he breaks them all.

During the week, I found out that America is becoming less Christian. Well, I guess Obama did say he wanted America to become like Europe. And later in the week, Christian Science Monitor had an article about the future of Christianity in America. It had mainline protestantism collapsing and the conservative evangelicals turning liberal. So, really, no more God. What a bright and happy future! I hope that doesn't happen. America needs God. The more we believe in Him, the more we believe in what America can become. Europe forgot that and look what happened to them.

"I hope he fails," is the quote of 2009, at least on certain networks. They attack Rush Limbaugh for his First Amendment right to speak. Now when the liberals said they hoped George Bush failed, that got a pass. Any bias?

Hearst these days doesn't care about its newspapers. The Seattle PI may go bust next week. And, now I hear that the San Francisco Chronicle may be next.

Even Time.com had an article saying the New York Daily News was about to close. It turned out the article was plain wrong, but hey, who's really checking the accuracy of stories these days? The Daily News is going to publish every page in color starting in October. That is the real news, not made up.

Then today, I heard that the United States let out the leader of the Taliban in Afghanistan from Gitmo in December. Good move. I'm not sure who to blame, Bush or Defense Secretary Gates? This is something Obama would do! What happened?!?!?!?

Obama is now allowing federal funding to stem cell research. Yipee, let's kill babies! My gosh! Obama says he is a Christian, so look at the Bible once in a while, instead of the teleprompter.

Oh, and last week we had the U.S. Senate voting for the D.C. Voting Rights Act, which is unconstitutional. Only states can have voting rights. If D.C. can vote, why can't Puerto Rico? Guam? U.S. Virgin Islands? May I go on? Good thing it was stripped from the books when the House realized a few things.

The U.S. Congress wants to create more debt for the future. Good idea. It's worked well before. Oh...wait.

"This war is lost." Who said that? That would be Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid about the Iraq war. Any uproar when he said that? Nope.

yee haw!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Obama and campaign promises

President Barack Obama made many promises during his presidential campaign. He has kept some promises and broke the rest.

Fiscal Responsibility
No Lobbyists
No Washington insiders

Close Gitmo prison
End war in Iraq

Oh, and don't forget the tax cheats. And the way he and Geithner have saved the economy with his super turbo tax! Also how we have hope and change.

I sure feel safer too with the release of some Gitmo prisoners. And, I know Israel feels safer with Obama.

Dow continues to drop, now at 1997 levels

(Fox Business and Bloomberg)

FINAL--Rocky Mountain News: We are the news

The final Rocky Mountain News was published Friday.
