Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Liberal Attack on Talk Radio Begins

First off, here's the news:

WASHINGTON -- February 5, 2009: Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) told nationally syndicated talk host Bill Press this morning that the recent flips of liberal Talk stations in several markets were a "disservice to the public."

Stabenow said that, in the day of the Fairness Doctrine, "you had to have balance," and continued, "I think something that requires that in a market with owners that have multiple stations that they have got to have balance -- there has to be some community interest -- balance, you know, standard that says both sides have to be heard."

Stabenow told Press that the airwaves are "dominated by one view" that "overwhelms people's opinions -- and, unfortunately, incorrectly," and said that "right-wing conservative talk hosts" are "trying to make people angry and saying all kinds of things that aren't true and so on."

When Press asked if it is time to bring back the Fairness Doctrine, Stabenow responded, "I think it's absolutely time to pass a standard." To Press' inquiry as to whether she will push for hearings in the Seante "to bring these owners in and hold them accountable," Stabenow replied, "I have already had some discussions with colleagues, and, you know, I feel like that's going to happen. Yep."


This is just the beginning. Rush Limbaugh was attacked a couple weeks ago when he said he wanted Obama's policies to fail and that translated into he wanted Obama to fail. Then Barack Obama said to GOP members in Congress to stop listening to Rush Limbaugh.

Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity have been getting attacked by the liberal media and the Obama crones. One big issue that is near and dear to Al Gore's heart is global warming. The big three on the radio dial all say that global warming is not an issue. They all say the sun warms the Earth and say that humans are not responsible for weather. Many liberals and Al Gore have compared people who don't believe in global warming to people who are Holocaust deniers and people who were against civil rights.

Obama and liberals do not want to be criticized. They want the entire media to be on their side, much like MSNBC already is. CNN is close, but still has some Obama dissenters. Fox News doesn't bow down to Obama. CBS News and NBC News love Obama. The liberals control practically every television news outlet, newspaper and political magazine, but they still haven't figured out talk radio.

The trick with talk radio is you have to talk for two to three hours and still stay interesting. AirAmerica Radio was a failed attempt by the liberals, but they continue to try to make it on the few stations they have.

The sad thing is that the one AirAmerica radio program that was somewhat popular was the Rachel Maddow Show and she's now on MSNBC to fulfill their liberal requirements. I hear she is still on AirAmerica, so it may be getting more popular with her on MSNBC.

In my opinion, the reason liberal talk radio has never worked is that the liberals have control of television and newspapers. As a liberal, why would you want to listen to liberal talk if you get it all day with the New York Times, Washington Post, Comedy Central's Daily Show and Colbert Report, NBC News, CBS News and MSNBC already. The reason conservative talk radio has been a success is that traditionally there has been no conservative voice on television and in the newspaper.

And now the liberals want total control within the media with the "Fairness Doctrine." And this title of a doctrine couldn't be further from the truth, this is a suppressing doctrine. It takes the freedom of speech away from people.

Why destroy AM radio when conservative talk saved it. If there was no Rush Limbaugh, would you be listening to AM radio? If there was no Rush, there would be no ESPN Radio, Dr. Laura, Clark Howard Show, O'Reilly Radio Factor, Coast to Coast AM and surprisingly enough, AirAmerica.

A listener doesn't like Michael Savage because he isn't fair in this time of change:

Diane Feinstein loves the "Fairness Doctrine" (Fox News)

Dennis Kucinich also loves the "Fairness Doctrine" (CNN)

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