Monday, February 16, 2009

Chavez is "president" for life with vote

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez won a referendum vote this weekend to end term limits in Venezuela. Chavez said to a roaring crowd, "Those who voted "yes" today voted for socialism, for revolution." Chavez held up a painting with read "Forever," this seems eerily similar to President Barack Obama's "Hope" and "Change" posters.

Chavez won the vote to become dictator of Venezuala 54 percent to 46 percent. The voter turnout was 67 percent.

One lady, Josefa Dugarte, who watched from her apartment said, "These people don't realize what they have done."

The people of Venezuela are either brainwashed or are totally in fear of Chavez. This man's idol is Fidel Castro. Chavez runs the lives of the people of Venezuela. And the world just watches.

AP: Chavez calls Venezuela vote mandate for socialism

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