Thursday, February 12, 2009

Sen. Inouye: 'If we go down, there will be chaos on this globe'

Sen. Daniel Inouye, D-Hawai'i, has some harsh words to those who are against the stimulus package:

He said these words after the U.S. House and Senate reached a compromise on the stimulus package. He and other Senators made statements, including the three Republicans who are Republicans by name only, Sen. Arlen Specter, Sen. Olympia Snowe and Sen. Susan Collins. But the best moment of the speeches was what Sen. Inouye said. He is priceless.

The Democrats are using these three Republicans as their own puppets and it looks pathetic. They snatched the weak and now they are showing them off to the world as their own.

Sen. Harry Reid and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi are all gitty right now.

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