Wednesday, June 25, 2008
All-India Congress Committee to Have 11-day Prayer for Obama
11-day prayer for Obama’s success
Staff Reporter
Congress leader invokes blessings of Hanuman
15 kg, 21-inch brass idol will reach Obama by August 24
NEW DELHI: Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama can now expect help from an unexpected quarter — Lord Hanuman.
All-India Congress Committee member Brij Mohan Bhama has organised a 11-day religious ceremony at Karol Bagh here for his success in the U.S. elections.
The idea of sending an idol of Hanuman dawned on him after friends in the United States mentioned a “prominent American politician who carried a miniature Hanuman idol in his pocket for luck,” Mr. Bhama said speaking on the first day of the ceremony on Tuesday.
“After hearing that, I decided to gift Mr. Obama a larger, gold-plated version along with the wishes of thousands of his supporters in this country,” said the leader struggling to lift the 15 kg, 21-inch brass idol.
The first-day ceremony, pranapratishta, or infusion of divine life into an idol, was performed by a dozen priests reciting mantras in tandem. It was attended by Democrats Abroad India chairperson Carolyn Sauvage, who spent over an hour at the venue.
The idol was later kept in the sanctum sanctorum of the Sankat Mochan Dham, where it will be kept for 10 more days. Mr. Bhama said several temples in New Delhi had already expressed an interest in keeping the idol for worship on their premises before it begins its journey across the Atlantic.
Along with the idol, a copy of Hanuman Chalisa, a compilation of hymns in praise of the Lord, would be sent.
“We will ensure that Mr. Obama receives the idol by August 24, a day before the Democratic National Convention in Denver, Colorado,” said Mr. Bhama.
DNC Says "NO" Coors Brewing at Convention
Coors Brewing Company of Golden, Colo., wants to donate biofuel made from beer waste to power the convention's fleet of flex-fuel vehicles. But, the Democratic Party says No. Why you ask? Because Coors has backed the Republican Party and has conservative ideals. Coors wants to help out the local convention, but the convention says no. Is this trying to move the country forward?
Here are some of the plans at the Convention--
* banners be made of canvas or corn-based bio-plastics -- and recycle them into handbags after the convention
* Hundreds of free bikes will be available
* The stage inside Denver's Pepsi Center will be built with salvaged plywood and other recycled or reused material, and the podium will be finished with eco-friendly paints and soy-based sealants
* All the signs and placards will be made from post-consumer recycled or biodegradable materials. It will all be recycled after the event
* Light bulbs at convention venues have been replaced with energy-efficient models and faucets retrofitted with water-saving spigots
News from the June 25th edition of The Wall Street Journal
Madison Proposing Banning Drive-Throughs
Below is Mike Ivey's column from The Capital Times:
Mike Ivey: Should Madison ban the drive-through?
Mike Ivey — 6/25/2008 11:37 am
First it was a proposed ban on plastic bags.
Now, a member of the influential Madison Plan Commission wants to ban the restaurant drive-through -- or at least restrict the ubiquitous symbol of America's auto-centric lifestyle.
"Given the concern about all the carbon going into the atmosphere, I'm not sure we should be building more places for people to sit idling in their cars," says Eric Sundquist, who was appointed to the citizen panel by Mayor Dave Cieslewicz this spring.
A former newspaper reporter in Atlanta now working as a researcher at the UW-Madison's Center on Wisconsin Strategy, Sundquist notes that several cities in Canada have recently moved to ban the drive-through coffee shop or stand-alone fast food restaurant (
"Bans haven't gotten as far in the U.S., although I know San Luis Obispo, Calif., has one," he says.
The issue came up last week during discussions over a conditional use permit for a new Starbucks coffee shop along a congested frontage road across from East Towne Mall.
The site at 4302 E. Washington Ave., in front of the Crowne Plaza Hotel, formerly housed the Frame Workshop retail store but has been vacant for more than a year. Property owner Tim Neitzel now wants to lease half of the 3,300 square foot retail building for a Starbucks that will also feature indoor and outdoor seating.
To facilitate the drive-through, developers are using a portion of the Crowne Plaza parking lot. Drivers picking up their morning coffee will have to make a circle route through the property to avoid potential traffic backups.
But nearby business owners are concerned about bringing more cars through the already congested intersection of East Washington and Continental Lane. The owner of a gas station on the frontage road said it's not uncommon for cars to wait through three traffic signal cycles to get across East Washington.
East Towne area Ald. Joe Clausius admitted the intersection is a problem and said with the Starbucks it "could get very backed up." Still, he said the corridor is badly in need of some redevelopment.
"I'm constantly getting peppered with questions from people about what is happening there and when will it happen," he says.
City officials have given their lukewarm support to the Starbucks, which is scheduled for a November opening. They say it could help create a more pedestrian-friendly atmosphere near the Crowne Plaza.
"While many future customers will likely be driving automobiles, hotel guests and residents to the north represent a potential walking customer," says city planner Heather Stouder.
Sundquist is planning to bring the issue up before the city's Long Range Transportation Planning Commission on which he also serves.
"I know a ban might be difficult so a better approach might be to restrict them," he says, noting an ordinance in Davis, Calif., puts a number of restrictions on drive-throughs, including one relating to air pollution.
Middleton hotel
There are no signs of economic distress in Middleton, where developers continue to pursue major projects.
The latest is from Central Place Real Estate, which is proposing an ambitious redevelopment of the 3.9-acre former Prefinished Millwork site at the southwest corner of University Avenue and the Beltline.
A concept plan submitted to the city of Middleton earlier this month calls for demolishing the existing buildings and replacing them with a six-story, 125-room hotel built over 32,000 square feet of retail space. A three-story office building would anchor the other end of the project.
Parking would be provided in 130 underground spaces and 150 surface stalls.
Given the poor soil and water table conditions, developers have been talking with the city about TIF assistance, according to Central Place president Rob Zache.
Northgate update
The Madison-based Alexander Company is currently finalizing purchase of the venerable Northgate Shopping Center on North Sherman Avenue, home of Dorn Hardware and the Frugal Muse Bookstore, in addition to 19 other tenants.
Currently owned by the Northgate Partnership, the property is assessed at $4.1 million.
The purchase would be the first foray into Madison's north side for the Alexander Company, which has specialized in urban infill redevelopment projects.
Detailed plans for the center haven't been released but could include building and site improvements, Randall Alexander told the Northside News recently.
Obama Focuses on Indiana, 13 other Bush States
Indiana has not gone the way of the Democrats since 1964 with Lyndon Johnson and prior to that 1936 with Franklin Roosevelt. So I guess it could be about time for a Democrat to win Indiana. But the chances are not very good. However, many young naive voters who don't know any better may be voting for Obama as well as the die hard Democrats who always say "my vote doesn't count." So the chance is higher than normal.
But if these young voters only knew what Obama stood for they may not vote for him, but they will continue to be naive by not paying attention to the news and reading his own website on what he believes in.
The other states that Obama believes he can win are Alaska, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Missouri, Montana, Iowa, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio and Virginia.
Some of those states are rather conservative: Alaska and Georgia. Colorado is a state where California liberals have moved in to change the voters block.
This is Obama's plan. We shall see.
Terry Bradshaw Admits to Steroid Use in '70s
This is really nothing new. I bet most the professional athletes around the world, not just football, were using steroids.
Here is what Bradshaw said on the Dan Patrick Show:
“We did steroids to get away the aches and the speed of healing. My use of steroids from a doctor was to speed up injury, and thought nothing of it. … It was to speed up the healing process, that was it. It wasn’t to get bigger and stronger and faster.”
If this was the 21st century when this happened, I would be all upset, but this was the 1970s. But, we will know how the steroids affected this team and many others by what happened in their lives after football. So be sure to check if your favorite olde time player is still alive or is healthy.
I will still watch Bradshaw on Fox NFL Sunday.
Check out WORLD SPORTS 24/7 for more sports news.
This Would Only Happen in Muncie
It's amazing he made it to the mall. In a city like Muncie it is hard to stand out as a bad driver when most have no idea what to do when they hit the roads. In a city that wont pave its streets, it is fitting that a seven-year-old would begin to drive. Now, I bet that many kids have been driving in the city. This was just the first to get caught. Just like smoking and having babies, kids are getting younger and younger when they begin, this is the same when considering driving.
At least Muncie made the news, nothing seems to happen there. I bet people were jealous of the news Frankfort got last week. Good for Muncie!
Below is the Muncie StarPress story on this amazing seven-year-old:
Seven-year-old driver takes joy ride to mall
By RICK YENCER • • June 25, 2008
MUNCIE -- Matthew Sands had to look twice at the driver of a red Geo Tracker that passed him on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard Tuesday morning.
"He was awful small to be driving," said Sands of Hartford City.
Sands and Carvin Mafatau, another driver who called 911, followed what appeared to be a small child, who barely could be seen above the dashboard, driving down the street before turning into the Muncie Mall.
Mafatau told police he tried to stop the vehicle as the 7-year-old boy crashed into a bush near Burger King west of the mall. The boy drove off around the mall and then crashed into a bush and tree near Outback Steakhouse when Sands stopped his car and tried to get the keys out of the Geo.
The boy then threw the vehicle in reverse and backed into Sands' car in the mall drive off Granville Avenue.
Sands got the keys out of the car and saw the boy behind the wheel.
County Sheriff's Capt. Mike Scroggins was the first to arrive, and was expecting a teenager behind the wheel on a joyride. It was something the veteran law enforcement officer had never seen in 22 years.
Police Lt. Steve Cox and other officers arrived and were just amazed that a 7-year-old child was behind the wheel.
"It as incredible he made it this far," said Cox, explaining he drove from Waid Avenue on MLK to the mall.
Police Sgt. Linda Cook, who heads MPD's child protection team, said the boy and his mother were staying with the boy's grandmother, Lindy Smeltzer, who was the owner of the Geo.
The boy is a special needs student at Muncie schools, and was being watched by the grandmother, Cook said, because the mother had health problems and was sleeping.
"(Smeltzer) has just given the boy medicine and had laid down with him to take a nap," said Cook.
The next call Smeltzer got was from 911 just after 9 a.m. asking her if she knew where her Geo Tracker was.
When the boy was asked how he learned to drive, Cook said he played a Play Station game.
Smeltzer, who lives in the 2100 block of North Macedonia Avenue, only said her grandson wanted to see his brother and had never attempted to drive previously. She declined to identify her daughter, identified by police as Lindy Smeltzer II.
Police investigated the call as a child neglect case, but made no arrests.
Child protective services did talk to the family, Cook said, and devised a safety plan to make sure the boy does not get his hands on the keys again.
Cook added the boy did wander away from home a couple years ago and CPS was involved.
"They will keep an eye on the family," said Cook, adding there would be home visits.
(Link to StarPress)
New Book, Dr. James Dobson Criticize Obama
Yesterday (June 24), Dr. James Dobson has joined in the criticism of Obama. He focuses on Obama's distorting of the Bible. Below is the Associated Press article about Dobson and Obama.
updated 11:43 a.m. ET, Tues., June. 24, 2008
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. - As Barack Obama broadens his outreach to evangelical voters, one of the movement's biggest names, James Dobson, accuses the likely Democratic presidential nominee of distorting the Bible and pushing a "fruitcake interpretation" of the Constitution.
The criticism, to be aired Tuesday on Dobson's Focus on the Family radio program, comes shortly after an Obama aide suggested a meeting at the organization's headquarters here, said Tom Minnery, senior vice president for government and public policy at Focus on the Family.
The conservative Christian group provided The Associated Press with an advance copy of the pre-taped radio segment, which runs 18 minutes and highlights excerpts of a speech Obama gave in June 2006 to the liberal Christian group Call to Renewal. Obama mentions Dobson in the speech.
"Even if we did have only Christians in our midst, if we expelled every non-Christian from the United States of America, whose Christianity would we teach in the schools?" Obama said. "Would we go with James Dobson's or Al Sharpton's?" referring to the civil rights leader.
Dobson took aim at examples Obama cited in asking which Biblical passages should guide public policy — passages like Leviticus, which Obama said suggests slavery is OK and eating shellfish is an abomination, or Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, "a passage that is so radical that it's doubtful that our own Defense Department would survive its application."
"Folks haven't been reading their Bibles," Obama said.
'Deliberately distorting'
Dobson and Minnery accused Obama of wrongly equating Old Testament texts and dietary codes that no longer apply to Jesus' teachings in the New Testament.
"I think he's deliberately distorting the traditional understanding of the Bible to fit his own worldview, his own confused theology," Dobson said.
"... He is dragging biblical understanding through the gutter."
Joshua DuBois, director of religious affairs for Obama's campaign, said in a statement that a full reading of Obama's speech shows he is committed to reaching out to people of faith and standing up for families. "Obama is proud to have the support of millions of Americans of faith and looks forward to working across religious lines to bring our country together," DuBois said.
Dobson reserved some of his harshest criticism for Obama's argument that the religiously motivated must frame debates over issues like abortion not just in their own religion's terms but in arguments accessible to all people.
He said Obama, who supports abortion rights, is trying to govern by the "lowest common denominator of morality," labeling it "a fruitcake interpretation of the Constitution."
"Am I required in a democracy to conform my efforts in the political arena to his bloody notion of what is right with regard to the lives of tiny babies?" Dobson said. "What he's trying to say here is unless everybody agrees, we have no right to fight for what we believe."
The program was paid for by a Focus on the Family affiliate whose donations are taxed, Dobson said, so it's legal for that group to get more involved in politics.
Possible visit
Last week, DuBois, a former Assemblies of God associate minister, called Minnery for what Minnery described as a cordial discussion. He would not go into detail, but said Dubois offered to visit the ministry in August when the Democratic National Convention is in Denver.
A possible Obama visit was not discussed, but Focus is open to one, Minnery said.
McCain also has not met with Dobson. A McCain campaign staffer offered Dobson a meeting with McCain recently in Denver, Minnery said. Dobson declined because he prefers that candidates visit the Focus on the Family campus to learn more about the organization, Minnery said.
Dobson has not backed off his statement that he could not in good conscience vote for McCain because of concerns over the Arizona senator's conservative credentials. Dobson has said he will vote in November but has suggested he might not vote for president.
Obama recently met in Chicago with religious leaders, including conservative evangelicals. His campaign also plans thousands of "American Values House Parties," where participants discuss Obama and religion, as well as a presence on Christian radio and blogs.
Copyright 2008 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.
Link to website
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Official Obama Criticizer, Certified Black Enough to Criticize
"This is Bo Snerdley, official EIB Obama criticizer, certified black enough to criticize. I have a statement. Mr. Obama, your highly publicized attack on Republicans this week claiming they are readying a racial attack against you is unbecoming and indefensible. In fact, sir, your general attack on Republicans with no evidence to support it is an example of you using unfounded stereotypes to smear an entire group of people. It demonstrates your own bigotry. Your promise to change, your promise to bring hope, instead, what do we get? You revert to the status quo, race card and fear, in order to inoculate yourself and your party from intellectually honest criticism. It is your associates who utter racist and sexist remarks like Jerry Wright, Reverend Pfleger. It is your Democratic Party, your liberal media pals that put race out there time and time again. Bill and Hillary Clinton's race remarks, the smears about your drug days, the Muslim thing, the Hussein thing, all that came from Democrats. Now the SCLC saying you're not black enough because you don't have slave blood? What's that, Mr. Obama? And the entire country saw it, except perhaps you. That is, if we can believe you. After all, what you say one day changes like the wind. You're running for president, sir. Grow a set. Comport yourself like a proud, strong black man, not a weak, cowering victim.
And now, a translation for EIB brothers and sisters in the 'hood. What's up, easy money? I ain't trying to diss you, yo, but this race thing you fronting is counterfeit. Everybody scoped it, yo. It was your homeys that were out there flat blast jamming you on the race thing, not those punk ass Republicans. Those lames are too afraid to call nighttime dark because they think your homeys in the press will macaca them out of office. Yo, look, yo, man, they ain't going to use the race card on you, man. They ain't going to try to make the bodies drop on you like that. Check it out, man. It's been your boys out there with the race thing, man, your frontin' boy Jeremiah, your boy Farrakhan, your boy Pfleger. Your boys are saying you ain't even got slave blood, yo. What's up with that? Michelle got slave blood, you don't have none? Yo, man, come on. By the way, man, where is Michelle, man? You kind of keeping her out the spotlight, yo, man, she kind of looking lace, man, you got to get her some face time. Yo. But check this out. You trying to be smooth, you trying to spin this all out of control, accusing those punk ass Republicans of doing what your medieval Democrat racist brothers been doing all along, but it ain't going to play. Look, man, I told you before, you wanted the game, you in the game, so you got to play real and you got to get played out. You can't run with the lions at night and play with the kittens in the day. You talking all this change stuff, then change it up, yo. Get off this race thing and come for real about what you got, what you gonna get, where we gonna be if you get in, you feel me, bro? That concludes this statement."
From today's Rush Limbaugh Program (June 24)
--Bonus Video--
Snerdley from June 4
Monday, June 23, 2008
Obama brought this upon himself- Barack the Magic Negro
Below is NBC's Today Show criticizing Limbaugh on airing this song a few months ago. Watch and enjoy.
Obama is now playing race card
This is what Barack Obama said in Jacksonville, Florida at a campaign rally:
"We know what kind of campaign they're going to run. They're going to try to make you afraid. They're going to try to make you afraid of me. He's young and inexperienced and he's got a funny name. And did I mention he's black?"
Here's the CNN video of this speech from YouTube:
Barack Obama is now calling Republicans racists. May I remind Obama that it was the Republicans were the ones who were against slavery, the Democrats were and some still are the racists. Southern Democrats founded the KKK, not Republicans. Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves and he was a Republican. Ike Eisenhower, a Republican, was the first president to have significant civil rights acts since the 1870s. Eisenhower sent in the Arkansas National Guard to escort the "Little Rock Nine" into Little Rock Central High School. The governor of Arkansas, Orval Faubus, a Democrat fought to keep the school segregated.
When was history changed? When did people become ignorant? When did people begin to believe whatever they hear?
Obama is looking more presidential

Barack Obama introduced his take on the Presidential Seal on Friday to the democratic governors of Chicago. It features a Latin phrase similar to the real "E pluribus unum" which means "Out of many, one." In place of that, Obama's seal says, "Vero possumus" - a rough Latin translation of his slogan of "Yes, we can."
Remember, Barack Obama's campaign is "Powered by Hope."
Here is a closer look at the real Presidential Seal and Obama's version:

Has anyone ever declared victory this early?
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Democrats continue to block ways of getting lower gas prices
Bush says Democrats keep blocking his energy plans
By DEB RIECHMANN, Associated Press Writer 1 hour, 15 minutes ago
WASHINGTON - President Bush is accusing Democrats in Congress of blocking his energy proposals, saying they are partly to blame for high gasoline costs pinching Americans' budgets.
In his Saturday radio address, Bush urged Congress to lift its long-standing ban on offshore oil and gas drilling to increase U.S. energy production. Democrats have rejected the idea.
"This is a difficult time for many American families," Bush said. "Rising gasoline prices and economic uncertainty can affect everything from what food parents put on the table to where they can go on vacation."
Bush said offshore drilling could yield up to 18 billion barrels of oil over time, although it would take years for production to start.
There are two prohibitions on offshore drilling, one imposed by Congress and another by executive order signed by Bush's father in 1990. Bush's brother, Jeb, fiercely opposed offshore drilling when he was governor of Florida. What the president now proposes would rescind his father's decision — but the president took the position that Congress had to act first and then he would follow behind.
Congressional Democrats have been quick to reject the push for lifting the drilling moratorium, saying oil companies already have under lease 68 million acres on federal lands and waters — outside the ban area — that are not being developed. Drilling proponents say that number is misleading because sometimes it takes years for actual development to take place.
"This week, President Bush and his Republicans allies rallied behind the oil industry's political agenda once again and advocated opening more of America's federal land, including coastal areas, to drilling," Rep. Nick Rahall, D-W.Va., chairman of the House Natural Resources Committee, said in the Democratic response. "This proposal will not bring the type of relief Americans deserve at the pump."
Bush says he wants to ease the regulatory process to expand oil refining capacity and lift restrictions on oil shale leasing in the Green River Basin of Colorado, Utah and Wyoming. Oil shale is a type of rock that can produce oil when exposed to heat and other processes.
"One major deposit in the Rocky Mountain West alone would equal current annual oil imports for more than 100 years," Bush said. "Unfortunately, Democrats in Congress are standing in the way of further development."
Bush said that in a spending bill last year, Democratic leaders inserted a provision blocking oil shale leasing on federal lands. "That provision can be taken out as easily as it was slipped in — and Congress should do so immediately," he said.
Bush also reiterated his desire to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for drilling, saying scientists have developed ways to reach this oil in northern Alaska with little impact on the land or local wildlife.
Bush said opposition from Democratic leaders opposition to his proposals has helped drive gas prices to record levels.
"I ask them to reconsider their positions," he said. "If congressional leaders leave for the Fourth of July recess without taking action, they will need to explain why $4-a-gallon gasoline is not enough incentive for them to act."
Friday, June 20, 2008
Let the Obama Flip-Flopping Begin
Obama is not for the American automotive industry. He is out to destroy it.
Below are two videos of Obama's energy independence plan of the past, the plan of just a few months ago.
Where are the McCains?
He has a wife, right? We see Michelle Obama on the news all the time, even on ABC's "The View" which really isn't the view of America's women with four liberals and one conservative.
Anyhow, where is Cindy McCain? Come to think of it. Where is John McCain?
Is this the first time in history where the media has only focused on one political party's candidate?
If it wasn't for Fox News, McCain might as well be invisible.
And they say that the media isn't biased.
Democrats turn on constituents, want high gas prices
Rep. Jay Inslee of Washington's 1st District says off shore oil drilling would destroy the environment and send harmful emissions into the air to continue the downfall of all mankind when we fry because of global warming.
Oh my gosh. This is a crisis! We are in trouble! We are all going to die!
Inslee has been in the forefront against any drilling happening in Alaska. He loves polar bears and he does not want any to die, ever. He believes they are cute and cuddly, but he would never like one to be going through his camper.
What are we to do? I guess we'll all pay $10 per gallon at some point anyway, might as well make it sooner than later.
Here is a screen shot of Rep. Inslee's website. Do you see anything fascinating at the top? Maybe something that supposedly causes global warming? "Do as I say, not as I do."
Obama Vows to Disarm America (thanks Rush)
First, Obama says high gas prices are fine. Second, he says NO to drilling for oil in Alaska. Third, he says NO to off-shore oil drilling. He is not for working-class Americans, he is out for himself and the lobbyists that he says he does not have. His lobbyists are people when caught, he just dissociates with. "Oh, I don't know him. He doesn't work for my campaign." You know, he's said that numerous times and the media just says, "ok, we believe you, you are the savior after all."
Rush Limbaugh has posted this video on his website. It is Barack Obama's plan on destroying the country that we love.
This video is also on the Barack Obama Official Campaign Website. It is not a hoax.
This is the same guy that said he would be diplomatic to terrorists and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the President of Iran. In 2009, Iran will have a clear shot on attacking the United States and Israel.
Obama says he does not back down on promises. Remember he promises to disarm America.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Vote for the Future, Change, Hope
Change what?
How do people know Barack Obama will change things? He's a great speaker with a teleprompter, but he has no clue on what to say when he has to wing it.
I guess it is time to face it. Obama is the messiah. Whatever he says is divine.
Obama uses vague words and people are brainwashed by them.
Muslims barred from Obama rally for wearing head scarfs
Here is the Yahoo! News article.
CBS News story
Founder of The Weather Channel debunks Global Warming

John Coleman, the founder of The Weather Channel, calls global warming "a fictional, manufactured crisis, and a total scam."
Coleman no longer works for The Weather Channel and is now a meteorologist at KUSI-TV in San Diego. Today, The Weather Channel is in the forefront as a supporter of the global warming theory.
Coleman was on Fox News Channel's Red Eye w/Greg Gutfeld Tuesday night (Wednesday morning) and discussed his thoughts on global warming. Here is the video.
Here is a link to his thoughts on global warming.
(Special Thanks to Red Eye w/Greg Gutfeld and KUSI-TV for the information)
Isn't Condoleezza Rice black?

On ABC's "The View" today (June 18) Michelle Obama was a guest host.
Whoopie Goldberg said this to Obama:
"Anytime you see black folks on the news, particularly women, they have no teeth. (audience laughs) And the teeth that they have have gold around them and they can't put a sentence together and perhaps now we can help change the perception. I know it sounds funny and silly, but if you are a black woman and you are tuning in and every time you see someone who is supposed to represent black women and women not very very fas kin women, I'm talking about dark black women, I just want to say thanks."
(Loud applause)
Isn't the Secretary of State of the United States black? Oh wait. Apparently not. She must have "betrayed her race" by being a Republican. Only Democrats can be black.
Wasn't Bill Clinton the first "black president"? Nope, not anymore. He is now a racist because he is Hillary's husband. Anyone who goes against the party line is a racist.
It was the Democratic Party who freed the slaves, right? Isn't that what is taught these days?
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Poll: Confidence in handling world affairs
Liberals list 5 worst people
Glenn was proud to be a part of the list, but the liberals put him there to hurt his and the others on the list credibility. He said the source was a book that was in relation to Media Matters for America, a liberal blog site that attacks conservatism.
Here is the list- (reasons: worst, hate, evil)
5. Glenn Beck
4. Bill O'Reilly
3. Matt Drudge
2. Sean Hannity
1. Rush Limbaugh
Could this be because these people speak the truth?
Gore endorses Obama...what's new?
Meanwhile, Gore's 2000 running mate Joe Lieberman has been thrown under the bus because he is a maverick. If you are not a part of the team, you are out. It isn't like he would have supported Obama anyway, Lieberman is for a free and secure Israel and Obama is for the Muslims who want to wipe Israel off the map.
Naturally, Lieberman is supporting John McCain for president.
Here is an Associated Press article about Gore endorsing Obama as "the chosen one":
Gore endorses Obama and attacks Bush in Detroit
By NEDRA PICKLER, Associated Press Writer Mon Jun 16, 10:32 PM ET
DETROIT - Al Gore made his debut in the 2008 presidential campaign Monday night, encouraging voters to back Barack Obama because "take it from me, elections matter."
"After eight years of incompetence, neglect and failure, we need change," Gore said. "After eight years when our Constitution has been dishonored and disrespected, we need changes."
In 2000, Gore won the popular vote but lost the disputed election to George W. Bush, who captured Florida and its electoral votes after a divided Supreme Court ended the re-count of ballots. Since then, Gore has made combatting global warming his signature issue, and has been recognized worldwide for his effort — from an Academy Award to the Nobel Prize.
Obama stoked lasting Democratic anger over the 2000 outcome when he recognized Gore as "the winner of the popular vote for president."
"You remember that," Obama said as the crowd of 20,000 erupted in raucous applause.
Gore is one of the most popular figures in the Democratic Party, but he stayed out of the primary campaign.
It's the second time Obama has rolled out a major endorsement in Michigan, where he did not campaign during the primary because its election violated the party rules. Obama is counting on a win in Michigan in November, but brought Gore and 2004 vice presidential nominee John Edwards to help validate him among Democrats in the state after skipping their primary.
"I'm grateful Al Gore came to Detroit tonight," Obama said. "But I'm ever more grateful for everything he's done in the last 40 years for this country."
Gore announced his decision in a fundraising e-mail earlier Monday. "From now through Election Day, I intend to do whatever I can to make sure he is elected president of the United States," Gore wrote.
Gore told the rally that the Democratic primary was a contest between a strong and inspiring field of candidates, but "now we've made our choice."
He said Republican candidate John McCain deserves respect for all he has done for this country and for his willingness to debate his party on climate change and other critical issues. But he said the 71-year-old McCain's "age and experience" aren't the same as Obama's judgment, noting the Democrat's early opposition to the Iraq war.
He said Republicans criticized President Kennedy for being too young and inexperienced to be president as well, but Kennedy noted that Thomas Jefferson, George Washington and Christopher Columbus all accomplished great things before they reached their mid-40s.
"I feel your determination after two terms of the Bush-Cheney administration to change the direction of our country," he said. He accused Bush of myriad missteps, including a botched response to Hurricane Katrina, economic problems, foreign policy mistakes and allowing lead-tainted toys and poisoned pet food in from China.
"Even our dogs and cats have learned that elections matter," he said. "This election matters more than ever because America needs change more than ever."
The Republican Party pointed out that Gore's 2000 running mate, Sen. Joe Lieberman, has since left the Democratic Party and become an independent and is backing McCain.
In response to Gore's harsh critique of Bush, GOP spokesman Alex Conant said, "This election isn't about changing the past, it's about changing the future. It's telling that half of the 2000 Democratic ticket endorsed John McCain early in the campaign, while the other half waited until Barack Obama had been the presumptive nominee for weeks." Obama clinched the nomination on June 3.
Obama and Gore were introduced by Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm, who backed Hillary Rodham Clinton in the primary. She held up a navy blue pump and said, on behalf of women everywhere, that she was proud to say she's supporting Obama.
She was loudly booed at the mention of Clinton's name, and Obama chastised the crowd for that when he spoke. He said he's a better candidate for having run against Clinton.
"She's tough," he said. "That's why this race took so long. She's a fighter. And we need fighters in the Democratic Party because we've got a lot to fight for."
Gays can marry in California...for now, or forever?
Related blog articles: California "Lutheran" churches begin gay marriage
Gays in California cheer!
Dozens of gay couples wed in Calif. after ruling
By LISA LEFF, Associated Press Writer 2 hours, 33 minutes ago
SAN FRANCISCO - Dozens of gay couples were married Monday night after California became the second state to allow same-sex nuptials, offering a preview of the euphoria and anger to come as gay couples from across the nation head west to wed.
"I never thought I'd see this," Michael Groark, 61, said at a San Francisco sports bar, watching on television as Mayor Gavin Newsom officiated the first same-sex wedding in the city.
The big rush to the altar was expected Tuesday, when most counties planned to start issuing marriage licenses to gay couples. Hundreds, perhaps thousands, of couples nationwide are expected to seize the opportunity to make their unions official in the eyes of the law.
Newsom, who helped launch the series of lawsuits that led the court to strike down California's one-man-one-woman marriage laws, presided at the wedding of Del Martin, 87, and Phyllis Lyon, 83.
Newsom picked the couple for the only ceremony Monday in City Hall to recognize their 55-year relationship and their status as pioneers of the gay rights movement. More than 650 same-sex couples have made appointments to get marriage licenses in San Francisco before the end of the month.
Martin sat in her wheelchair during the brief ceremony in the mayor's office, which was open to a few elected officials, friends, relatives and reporters. After Newsom pronounced her and Lyon "spouses for life," the couple kissed, drawing huge applause.
As a printer churned out a license with spaces for "Party A" and "Party B" where "bride" and "groom" used to be, Newsom called officiating the wedding "this extraordinary and humbling gift."
When the pair emerged from the mayor's chamber, a crowd of well-wishers showered them with rose petals and ate complimentary wedding cake.
"When anyone is on the outside looking in, to be finally allowed in is a profound feeling," said Elizabeth Williams, 45, who plans to marry her partner of 16 years later this year.
The celebrations were tempered by the reality that in a few months, Californians will go to the ballot box to vote on an initiative that would overturn the high court ruling and once again ban gay marriage.
Groups that oppose same-sex marriage have pursued several legal avenues to stop the weddings, including asking the California Supreme Court to postpone its decision until after the November initiative. The high court denied that request.
On Monday, just hours before the ruling went into effect, a conservative legal group asked a Sacramento court to order the California agency that oversees marriages to stop issuing gender-neutral marriage licenses. A hearing was scheduled for Tuesday.
Three lawmakers and a small group of other same-sex opponents gathered outside the Capitol to criticize the Supreme Court decision. They urged voters to approve the ballot measure.
"This is an opportunity to take back a little bit of dignity ... for kids, for all of us in California," Republican Assemblyman Doug LaMalfa said. "It really disturbs me that the will of the people was overridden by four members of the Supreme Court."
Republican Assemblyman Bill Maze said heterosexual marriage was "God's way."
Opponents also gathered outside San Francisco City Hall holding signs with statements including "Jesus said go and sin no more" and "Homo Sex is Sin."
Despite the efforts, for many gay couples, Monday was the beginning of another so-called "Summer of Love."
"I'm tired of checking the single box," said Danielle Lemay, 34, who picked up a marriage license in Woodland with her partner, Angie Hinrichs. "I feared I'd be checking that my whole life."
In Sonoma County, Melanie Phoenix, 47, and Terry Robinson, 48, were first in line. Together for almost 26 years, they plan to wed in August.
"It's a historic occasion," Phoenix said. "I never believed it was really possible until Gavin Newsom took the first step in 2004."
In February 2004, Newsom challenged California's marriage laws by issuing licenses to same-sex couples. The state Supreme Court ultimately voided those unions, but two dozen couples sued. Those lawsuits led the same court last month to overturn California's ban on gay marriage.
Robin Tyler and Diane Olson, who were plaintiffs in the litigation, got married Monday in a Jewish ceremony in front of the Beverly Hills courthouse.
The couple wept and pressed their foreheads together, and onlookers whooped as the marriage was solemnized.
Rabbi Denise Eger saluted Olson and Tyler for "these many years of coming to this very place and standing on these courthouse steps year after year of being denied this right, this civil right."
A UCLA study issued last week estimated that half of California's more than 100,000 same-sex couples will get married over the next three years, and 68,000 more out-of-state couples will travel here to exchange vows.
Unlike Massachusetts, which legalized gay marriage in 2004, California has no residency requirement for marriage licenses, and that is expected to draw a great number of out-of-state couples. The turnout could also be boosted by New York state's recent announcement that it will recognize gay marriages performed in other jurisdictions.
Some of those out-of-state couples are likely to demand legal recognition in their home states, setting the stage for numerous court battles.
Derek Norman, 23, and Robert Blaudow, 39, of Memphis, Tenn., were in the Bay Area for a conference and decided to get married at the Alameda County clerk's office.
"We might wait a long time in Tennessee, so this is our chance," Blaudow said.
Associated Press writers Laura E. Davis in Los Angeles, Michelle Locke in Oakland, Evelyn Nieves in Santa Rosa, Steve Lawrence in Sacramento and Samantha J. Young in Woodland contributed to this report.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Whitey...why did (s)he?
Supposedly back in 2004 at the Rainbow-Push Coalition Meeting at Trinity United Church of Christ (Obama's now forgotten racist church), Michelle Obama said this: "Whitey allowed children to drown in New Orleans, Whitey allowed the war in Iraq, Whitey did this, Whitey did that, Whitey is evil."
Now this can be construed as "whitey" actually being "why did he" as many in the Obama Campaign has said.
However, this was said at Trinity United Church of Christ, a church that cheers whenever White-Caucasians are smeared.
And, Michelle Obama's thesis from Princeton University stated many racial identity politics and black nationalism. She even said that that she was not proud of the United States and called the country "mean", well, until now.
Would Michelle Obama be a great First Lady of the United States? Would you like her to represent your country? If you do, you must love black liberation theology where all White-Caucasians are slave owners and are evil.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Is this a sign?
Friday, June 6, 2008
Camp fires blamed for Global Warming
Come ON!
How are we to roast our marshmallows and hotdogs? The sun's rays?
The things the liberals come up with.
The SAVIOR is HERE!!!!
Still, I have no idea what this "change" and "hope" is, but apparently that doesn't matter to most Americans who have not gone to his official website.
But still, it makes me wonder about how the primaries finished. Hillary Clinton won most of the remaining primaries. Is this because these voters realized who Obama is?
If Obama wins in November, say good-bye to Israel.