Friday, May 30, 2008

What does it take for people to realize that Trinity UCC, Obama are racist?

Another one of Barack Obama's closest friends Fr. Michael Pfleger has left off where Rev. Wright has left off, more hatred at Obama's Trinity United Church of Christ.

Fr. Pfleger, a Roman Catholic priest, said in a sermon last week at Trinity UCC that Sen. Hillary Clinton "felt 'entitled' to the Democratic nomination and because 'there's a black man stealing my show.'"

He went on to say "'She just always thought that, 'This is mine. I'm Bill's wife. I'm white.' ... And then, out of nowhere, came 'Hey, I'm Barack Obama." And she said, 'Oh damn, where did you come from? I'm white. I'm entitled. There's a black man stealing my show.'"

Fr. Pfleger is one of Obama's chief advisers. Obama calls him a good friend.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Today in Videos

Stanley Cup Final: Detroit Redwings @ Pittsburgh Penguins

NBA Eastern Conference Finals: Detroit Pistons @ Boston Celtics

(there was some happiness in Detroit on this Wednesday, the Tigers beat the Angels)

MUST SEE VIDEOS (if not seen already)

Olbermann: the worst person in the world

Mr. Negative Liberal Socialist Keith Olbermann never lets up. Frankly, I would hate to have him as my father, or friend. I would either cry when he goes on his rants or I might just explode and beat him up. And, this guy, a former ESPN anchor, turned MSNBC "journalist" believes he tells the truth.

For the people who hate the United States of America and democracy, Olbermann is perfect for you. But for everyone who loves freedom, why are you watching him? I watch only the YouTube videos of him, and I just laugh. I wonder, "how can somebody believe what he has to say?"

And, I am a journalist! I was taught to be fair and balanced. Report from all sides. This guy, Mr. Olbermann, does not do that.

Here are some funny videos of our Socialist friend, Keith Olbermann:

I will admit, I am not sure I would be friends with all the conservative talkers on the airwaves. But, I will say that Glenn Beck would be a nice friend to have. Rush Limbaugh is a smart man, full of advise. Although, Sean Hannity tends to go off the deep end, he may be the friend that may turn on you if you disagree with his beliefs.

In conclusion:
Beck and Limbaugh would make good friends.
Olbermann would be a good enemy. While I'm at it, I'll add Jack Cafferty of CNN seems to be an Olbermann want-to-be. He's doom and gloom too.

Good Day.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Media Bias? Nahhhhhhh! (Hillary attacked, Obama praised)

"You can't handle the truth!"

Keith Olbermann's Rant about Clinton

Another reason to not like Keith Olbermann. Who can be more negative?

Obama's endorsements: MSNBC, NBC News, CNN, CBS News

Videos of the Day

I had an uncle who was...

CNN's Situation Room's explanation

Barack Obama EXPOSED: Lied About Auschwitz In 2002 Also!

Bonus Video- Maxine Waters (D-CA) wants to socialize the oil industry

Climate Change and "the uncle"

For most people, climate change and Barack Obama have nothing in common. But when you think about it, it makes perfect sense. Who is pushing this climate change idea? Who is pushing Barack Obama? The Democratic Party, the liberals!

First off, climate change is real. But I do not agree with global warming in the way the liberals say it occurs. We all learned in school that the sun warms the Earth. In fact, we are told to wear sunscreen to protect our skin from the sun's harmful rays. So if the sun is not causing global warming, then what is? The liberals say it is the United States of America, not the Canadians, not the Russians, not the Germans and certainly not the Chinese.

So, explain why there is climate change occurring on planets Jupiter and Mars? It must be the United States' fault. Well, now we know. Here is today's article about the climate change on those planets and the reasoning is that it is due to the sun (that big yellowish ball that makes it daytime and keeps us warm).

In other news, Barack Obama's uncle was a liberator at Auschwitz. It all turns out that his uncle was a Red Commie from the Soviet Union. Wait...

Upon further review, Barack Obama does not have an uncle. Hmmm. It was his great uncle, not his famed uncle. So, his great uncle was the Commie? Nope, he was an American who liberated another camp, named Ohrdruf, a subcamp of the Buchenwald concentration camp. Wow, apparently his family is close! Here is the video and a Reuters story about Obama's Memorial Day boo-boo.

Here is his quote--

"I had an uncle who was ... part of the first American troops to go into Auschwitz and liberate the concentration camps," Obama said.

"And the story in our family was is that when he came home, he just went up into the attic and he didn't leave the house for six months," he said.

--end quote--

If it wasn't for the Republican National Committee, this may have been swept under the rug. At least the RNC is doing something right. In the words of Anderson Cooper, the RNC is "keeping them honest."

Important links about Barack Obama's war history in his family:
From (his official website)-

YouTube: Barack Obama EXPOSED: Lied About Auschwitz In 2002 Also!

CNN defends Obama's error and in return, attacks Hillary

Really, what person who wants to become President of the United States and forgets American History?!?!?!!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Why aren't the Democrats acting democratic?

The issue: Florida and Michigan, or is it?

Barack Obama is the Democratic Party nominee. Wait. No. Not quite yet. So why does "everyone" say that he is?

As of late Hillary Clinton has all the momentum with primary wins in Indiana, West Virginia and Kentucky. While Obama has won North Carolina and Oregon, but not as high as previously expected. Is this because of "Operation: Chaos" or are people starting to realize that Obama is not the right person to be the Democratic Party nominee?

Clinton is not giving up, and why should she? It's not over until Hillary sings. Obama said he would talk to terrorists, then he said he wouldn't, then he said he would. So what is it? Obama is just a junior senator from Illinois, and not even a full termer. What does he know?


Ok, what is this change. What exactly is Obama's plan? I don't think he even knows. It just sounds cute and people will believe anything.


It is true that Obama can bring "hope" and so can I. "Hope" is Anakin Skywalker to bring an end to the Sith. Oh, wait. Anakin joined the Sith and became Darth Vader. He joined the "Dark Side." It is true that he did change, but that was only when his son, Luke, was about to die. But it did not bring an end to evil. Obama seems to have the same plan, he'll talk to the terrorists, much like Anakin did when he talked with Palpatine. Oh boy.

More to come.

Obama has some good friends. Reverend Wright and Bill Ayers are some great friends to have. Wright has hate speech towards white people and Ayers only bombed the Pentagon and the World Trade Center and shows no remorse at all.


Democratic Party to the public: you are too dumb to nominate a presidential candidate. Superdelegates take the power away from the people, this year more than ever.

It's not all roses for the Republicans. They have John McCain.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

What a disappointment. But, I am glad I saw the new Indiana Jones movie.

If you are a George Lucas fan, like me, you may wonder what happened. The three original Indiana Jones movies and all the Star Wars films have been classics (Star Wars: Episode 1 had some issues, but still made some sense). This "Indiana Jones 4" made no sense. It had the action, but not a good story. It is nice they moved on to the 1950's and had the "Russians" but it didn't follow the storyline of the original three.

1. US Army base taken over by Russians in just minutes
2. Indiana surving nuclear blast in refrigerator
3. Mudd sword fight with Russian girl on uneven terrain in opposite vehicles
4. Aliens...what was this about?
5. Man-made crystal skulls now supernatural?

Where was Indiana Jones' whit from the original three movies? Indiana even had Han Solo whit in the Indiana Jones original movies.

I don't look to see this movie number one in the box office for more than two weeks. I hope next time George Lucas and Stephen Spielberg take a hard look at the screenplay.

This movie had the feel of Miss Congeniality 2, which was pure awful.

I give the movie: D+