Thursday, April 16, 2009

White House asked Georgetown to cover Jesus at Obama speech

Ok, this is a shocker. Or, is it? A black shroud covered the letters "IHS" in Gaston Hall where President Barack Obama spoke. "IHS" is used to symbol the name of Jesus Christ. Why would the Obama White House want that covered? Who would ever want to cover a Christian religious symbol? Is he saying he is above the Holy Trinity? One could think that, such as me.

The White House had other religious symbols covered over as well.

Also what is with Georgetown University complying to the Obama White House request? Does Georgetown truly respect Christianity? Georgetown University is a Roman Catholic University of the Jesuit Order. Georgetown may just as well just deny Jesus as the Christ and leave the Roman Catholic Church.

I'm waiting for the Vatican response. This deserves a papal response. This is far worse than the University of Notre Dame inviting Obama to speak at commencement. Georgetown covered up Jesus Christ.

Exactly what is so offensive with Jesus Christ? I want to know. The White House better speak out. I don't mean just from the most amazing press secretary, but also from the president. This is of national importance.

Obama identifies himself as a Christian. Now prove it.

This is the Easter Season. Christ is Risen! He is no longer in the tomb, where the White House wants to put Jesus apparently. Obama and the White House are living in the Good Friday world of death and darkness and of the unknown.

If this is because of separation of Church and State, Obama, just don't speak at a Christian university. Make it easy on yourself, speak at a state-funded public university. Don't go covering up the true Messiah!

Obama should have not been there anyway. Why did they allow him to speak?

NBC Washington: Jesus Missing From Obama's Georgetown Speech
CNSNews: Georgetown Says It Covered Over Name of Jesus to Comply with White House Request

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