Friday, April 10, 2009

Obama aids choosing "perfect" church for First Family for Easter

President Barack Obama has not been to a church since he was inaugurated in January. It is now April. Why no church? Could it be that he does not believe in God, or does he see himself as God, or is he secretly worshipping Allah. Now, I'm joking about Allah, but with how buddy buddy he is with the Middle East, I wouldn't rule it out.

The aids are choosing a church that makes Obama look the best. I thought it was the family who was supposed to choose a church. Since when is it political?

He worshipped at Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago and apparently he enjoyed it because he never left, until it hurt his campaign. He and Rev. Wright are one of the same. Just look at what Obama's done since becoming president.

Church is supposed to be special. It isn't about the building, it is about the people and what you worship. It is a family of people who believe what you believe. Now, why does the White House want to go and make it all about politics and polls?

Politico wrote an article about Obama's Easter church choosing:
Politico: Obama to attend D.C. church for Easter

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