Wednesday, April 29, 2009

DAY 100: Media underhands softball questions to Obama

President Barack Obama circled the questions, and they weren't that difficult. He had a prepared list on who he was going to allow to ask those questions too. He only allowed the liberal media to speak, and then lastly, The Wall Street Journal.

Apparently, BET is more newsy than Fox News Channel. Fox's Major Garret sat in the front row, right in front of Obama and he just looked right over him. Apparently, tonight was easy questions night.

BET is owned by CBS, and CBS News was allowed to ask a question. So they get two chances?

The question of the night was from the New York Times, just watch and listen, and laugh.

I see why Fox network didn't air this. It was a joke. It wasn't a press conference, it was a speech. Nothing was answered, he just ran around the questions and smiled and said, uh, uh, uh, hmmm, and added some good phrases along the way.

Nothing was asked about why that plane flew over New York City. Little was said about the budget passed by Congress today. Little was said about Chrysler and General Motors. All he did was circle around.

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