Friday, April 3, 2009

Secularism is destroying America

We know by now that according to a survey, America is becoming less Christian and has a large number of people who identify themselves as non-believers in any religion. Now, today the Iowa State Supreme Court is going to allow gay marriage.

Iowa, a Midwestern state. Iowa, a state that is predominantly Lutheran. So what is going on? Are these Christians stepping up for their faith? Well, apparently not on the Supreme Court. This is what happens when year after year the voters elect liberal judges.

Christianity is under attack. Morals are under attack.

Gay and lesbian activist groups are aiming on getting all of the New England states to allow gay marriage by 2012. This region is predominantly Roman Catholic. What is going on here?!

Secularism is on the rise. Christianity is on the decrease. Are we becoming Europe?

Reuters: Iowa first Midwest state to allow gay marriage

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