Friday, April 10, 2009

Pope: 'We have drifted into a desert of godlessness'

Pope Benedict XVI is actually doing something worthwhile. I applaud him for it. He is going to talk about the rise of aggressive secularism in Western societies.

It is about time. We have Roman Catholics who don't know what they believe in. They are for same-sex marriage, they are for abortion, and who knows what else. Then we have other denominations within Christianity who have forgotten about the Creeds and the Holy Bible and the Catechism, as well.

I am a Lutheran Christian and I have seen this drift because of secularism. In just the past week, Iowa and Vermont now have same-sex marriage.

What happened to morals? What happened to the fear of the wrath of God? Well, I guess, just watch tv. This is the "have it your way" world now, as so I have heard.

The Daily Mail: We have drifted into a desert of godlessness (and happy Easter to all): Pope gives Good Friday address

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