Sunday, August 24, 2008

Protests begin as DNC Convention is ready to kick off

Some protestors say to "stop occupying Puerto Rico and Hawai'i." When a Fox News reporter went to ask a protestor why he is walking in the march he replied saying, "f*** Fox News" and soon a chant around him followed with the same three words. Notable people at the protest are Cindy Sheehan, Ward Churchill and Green Party Presidential Candidate Cynthia McKinney were speakers. These speakers and many others made anti-war statements, anti-Democratic Party statements and radical-left statements. The protesters are calling themselves "Recreate '68."

Below are articles about the protests:

*Anti-War Protesters Greet Convention Goers in Denver
*Critics Question DNC's pick for Islamic Speaker at "Interfaith" Gathering
*Thousands protest immigration crackdown

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