Thursday, June 4, 2009

CNN: What will Obama tell the Muslim world? Obama looks to reach the soul of the Muslim world

I like all the generalizations that the liberal media is saying about President Barack Obama's upcoming speech in Cairo. He is speaking to the entire "Muslim World." Wow. That is really something. So when he speaks to a group like the NAACP, is he speaking to the entire black world?

I thought journalists weren't supposed to write in generalities. He is speaking to Egypt, or better yet, Cairo. I thought journalists were supposed to make a point. I don't know if a Muslim in Indonesia cares as much as a Muslim in Egypt. I'm just saying.

Journalists should ask things like: "What does this mean to you?" and "Why should anyone care?"

CNN is just doing what CBS and NBC are also doing. Speaking in generalities and praising the anointed one because he is bringing peace to the Middle East. He is bringing hope to them. As we all know, we all have a different opinion on hope. We are all hoping for something different. The thing is that many Muslims are hoping for the destruction of Israel. Is that good hoping?

I wonder if Obama will admit to being a Muslim? He is already talking about his father being a devout Muslim. It is all out in the open now. During the campaign it was in bad taste to say Obama was a Muslim, but now, he talks freely about his "Muslim heritage."

And why not just say something that the Egyptians would love to hear? It'll keep them coming back for more and it would gain instant friendship with the Islamic states in the Middle East and lose a close ally of Israel. But what's so bad if you lose one friend and gain many? Really?

CNN: What will Obama tell the Muslim world? Experts make predictions
CNN: Obama looks to reach the soul of the Muslim world

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