Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Terry Bradshaw Admits to Steroid Use in '70s

The NFL quarterback of the '70s Terry Bradshaw admitted yesterday to using steroids to get over injuries quicker. His whole Pittsburgh Steelers team did the same. This team won four Super Bowl Championships in the decade and was called "The Iron Curtain."

This is really nothing new. I bet most the professional athletes around the world, not just football, were using steroids.

Here is what Bradshaw said on the Dan Patrick Show:

“We did steroids to get away the aches and the speed of healing. My use of steroids from a doctor was to speed up injury, and thought nothing of it. … It was to speed up the healing process, that was it. It wasn’t to get bigger and stronger and faster.”

If this was the 21st century when this happened, I would be all upset, but this was the 1970s. But, we will know how the steroids affected this team and many others by what happened in their lives after football. So be sure to check if your favorite olde time player is still alive or is healthy.

I will still watch Bradshaw on Fox NFL Sunday.

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